Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Even a few months ago.

Have to amend above, convicted but sentenced to no jail (in the business records case) is a strong possibility as well

Same with Michelle Obama. If Joe keels over tomorrow, the list of replacements is 2 in my mind, Kamala or Newsom, and nobody wants Kamala running.

You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you


What happens in the event they cannot run or drop out due to illness or death? Is bet nullified or would it be a loser?


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grunching: its likely going to come down to 50k votes in a few key swing states and anybody who says they know for a fact which side will win is bullshitting.


And even if itā€™s Bush/Gore levels of closeness, people who guessed right will be posting about how they knew it was a slam dunk all along and all the people thinking otherwise were idiots.

This would probably be true even if Dems ran the best possible candidate (which might be Biden).

yep, its like saying i knew the 49ers were going to muff that punt and allow the Chiefs to comeback and win. like no you didnā€™t, if they played 100 times the chiefs would win close to 50 and 49ers would win close to 50, you won a literal coin flip but had no edge whatsoever.

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It has been 8 years since Trump won. thatā€™s a lot of MAGA voters who passed away.

Lots of young voters are into fascism now though so theyā€™ve got a lot of replacements :harold:


i guess over 65 was only 52-45 trump in 2020ā€¦ for some reason i thought it was much higher.

Yeah Iā€™ve never been the type to just assume pure demographic shift would do much, but like, it has to be a net positive for Democrats right? For every day that X number of boomers die, and Y number of kids hit voting age (or just age into where they finally plan on voting in a presidential election for the first time), there has to be a tiny shift overall in the Democratsā€™ favorā€¦right? Right, Anakin?

I mean I know disturbingly too many young voters are totally cool with the fascism, but it sure as hell canā€™t be the majority of them.

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Iā€™m not saying it might not be close, but Trump needs to win 57% of the time to give -130 and I just donā€™t see that as being a good number

What reason are there to think Trump should be a favorite? I can think of a few. Bidenā€™s handling of Israel, his age, and collective amnesia from Trumpā€™s first term. Still doesnā€™t justify -130 odds imo

In theory I agree the demographic shift should be a net positive for the Dems but in practiceā€¦ weā€™ll see. Trumpā€™s a slight favorite because heā€™s leading in every single swing state poll and the vast majority of the national polls as well. Thatā€™s not to say that canā€™t change as we close in on election day but Iā€™d be very wary of all of these poll truthers saying they are inaccurate and they donā€™t matter. Very strong unskewedpolls dot com vibes there.

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It definitely isnā€™t, but the ones that arenā€™t cool with the fascism arenā€™t exactly inspired by the Dems so good luck getting them to vote

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It makes sense he lost a lot of older votes when you consider that

  1. lots of his older voters died of COVID and
  2. he was saying that they should die of COVID for the economy

Iā€™m sure the surviving olds will come home to roost this time around.

Is it that theyā€™re cool with fascism, or they just donā€™t think it will affect them? Thatā€™s my biggest question to anyone voting for Trump

Itā€™s a freeroll for them. Either status quo or fascism where they know they wonā€™t be the oppressed group.

And of course the delicious delicious liberal tears that would flow. Totally worth destroying democracy over.

My sons not a fascist but heā€™s ā€˜dad is a liberalā€™ so heā€™s vote is mainly ā€˜fuck you no nothing dadā€™. And we donā€™t really have any issues just what kid doesnā€™t want to ā€˜yeah fuck you no nothing dad?ā€™

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