Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

There have been countless hours of this exact footage already. Artists renditions, mug shots, him yelling in front of courthouses, judges calling him out in court.

It’s so odd you guys just keep on hoping some new magical thing is going to make people wake up to who the guy is. He is literally the most famous person on earth. Everyone knows who he is.

Why are these low info voters going to suddenly pay attention to footage of Trump in a different court? Because the same low information voter is going to differentiate between a pretrial hearing and the actual trial?

Biden actually has narrowed the polling gap a bit over the last couple of weeks. Whether that is noise or due to Biden’s SOTU or Trump’s crimes is hard to say. Trump though is still comfortably ahead given that Biden probably needs to win by at least a couple % to win the EC.

I mean I’m not “hoping” anything, I’m saying I just don’t know, but I wouldn’t be totally surprised if Cactus’ take is right, either.

I think as usual people ITF get blinded to how little some people know about what’s going on in politics. I have other circles of online acquaintances where there are multiple people that literally could not name the current vice president or name more than like five past presidents, but are the type that would definitely vote in a presidential election if they felt it was important enough. These people are a massive wild card.

You should learn to give the American public more credit, low info or otherwise. The most popular TV genres forever in this country have been various kinds of procedurals and recently the true crime genre has become one of the most popular if not most popular genre in the U.S. I can guarantee you any low info voter who watches any of that stuff knows exactly the difference between a pretrial hearing and an actual trial and they’re not going to tune in until the actual trial.

It will be highly highly watched by low info and high info voters, you can take that to the bank. Even though the Mueller stuff was acted like it was nothing when he testified, it had something like 12 million viewers in the middle of the day. Nothing in primetime even sniffs that (outside of like NFL Sunday Night Football) and they were saying that it landed with a big thud, because they know nothing about TV ratings. You should expect audiences in at least the 30 million range for any trials that are televised. It will be on in offices everywhere, even in remote offices. Maybe my estimate is high, but I think it might be quite low. It will be way north of that if the idiot testifies.

Here’s a little fun fact for you:

Twenty-five years ago today, October 3, 1995, nearly 150 million people watched the live verdict as O.J. Simpson was found not guilty of the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Lyle Goldman.

I was one of those. Were you?

I agree with all of this. What I don’t understand is the theory these people are suddenly going to watch cnn cause Trump is in a different trial than the many that have already occurred. How are these people both low information and super concerned about the legal nuances of him sitting in a civil trial or criminal pretrial hearing? He had a full civil trial for raping a woman. Several court appearances for his criminal trials. I don’t understand how him sitting in the actual trial is getting these low information voters to suddenly realize Trump is a bad guy.

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It’s crazy to look at the 2020 results and how close things were even with Biden winning the popular vote by a 4.5% margin. 10,457 votes in Arizona, 11,779 in Georgia, and 20,682 in Wisconsin were what decided the election.


This is definitely true. We had an alt right fascist running for our school board, there was literal violence at school board meetings last year, there were signs on like 30% of the lawns in town, and I would still routinely encounter registered Democrats who are habitual voters who were like “Oh, is there an election coming up in two weeks? Who’s running?”


Low information voters typically aren’t paying much attention to anything political right now. Some of them will pay attention closer to the election. It’s just too early for a lot of people to give a shit right now.

It barely registers on national broadcast TV much less local TV that most people might see at this point. CNN is a virtual non-entity in terms of viewership. Like even less relevant than Elvis.


I’m not saying you’re wrong, but how is this even possible? He lost 2020 getting more votes than in 2016. And even tho Biden isn’t exactly tearing it up in favorabilty, you can’t tell me Trump hasn’t lost voters since J6. Even his former VP won’t support him

I don’t trust these polls. They make no sense

Nate Cohn was this week’s guest on the Chris Hayes podcast. As he was describing the methodology for polling, the less and less I trust any of the results to be meaningful in any way.

I don’t think this is because of any sort of ideological bias or conspiracy that the pollsters are trying to interject, but that none of the adjustments seem legitimately scientific and there are so many possible error sources that I’d be shocked if the results actually tell us anything.

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It’s crazy how little attention most of my friends pay to what’s going on. Even my sister who’s a reasonably informed attorney stuns me by what she doesn’t know. But she’s immersed in her work and people have families and stuff to worry about more than Trump drama. I think we’re all in a minority in terms of following political news


I know we’re a minority in following the political news because that was the case 20+ years ago when I was immersed in the academic study of public opinion. And for the most part, people aren’t wrong to ignore the news because they’ve developed powerful heuristics where they don’t need that information to figure out who they will vote for, so paying attention is an unnecessary cognitive burden that people will families and work to worry about don’t need to trouble themselves with.

Honestly, we’d be better off if we could train more people to just vote blue no matter who.

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Exactly. Reminding voters that Trump is an obnoxious gross criminal gets you absolutely nowhere, everyone has been hearing that nonstop for eight damned years. We’ve heard nothing but why Trump sucks. Tell me about Biden, why am I supposed to be hyped for Biden’s second term?

It’s really hard to sell to people that some inflation but no recession is better than a recession.

Sell them on healthcare. Or abortion, guns, etc. etc.

How do you explain to people that actually Biden has done a good job on the economy?

You mention that the economy is improving, but there’s still A LOT of work to be done. And if we get enough Democrats in office, we’ll do XYZ. And stop there. His polling on the economy is in the toilet. Outside of immigration and Israel/Gaza, the economy might be the biggest loser for Biden this election.

Biden’s biggest problem is that perception doesn’t match the reality that he’s done a great job.

Biden’s also losing voters for any number of reasons. Bidenflation, Afghanistan, muh taxes, culture war bullshit, etc. Not saying it’s a lock either way but when poll after poll says Trump is ahead we should probably believe them unless we have a really good reasons not to and I don’t think feels qualify as a good reason. It’s the same thing that happened in the 2016 primary; Trump led basically wire-to-wire and everyone was shocked when he crushed because of their feels.