Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

I guess if we can’t raise their income taxes, we can stick them with extra fees on their private planes


how much are fuel fees?


They are millionaires and they are often around other millionaires and billionaires. Also I bet the average management role hired by players lean conservative too.

Most of their advice influence leans right.

I think the point was that this was the prime opportunity to troll Hur about memory issues.

Hard to argue this

“It’s funny how they quickly pass this bill about this TikTok situation. What about schools that are getting shot up? We’re not going to pass a bill about that?” Gaddie asked. “No, we’re going to worry about TikTok and that just shows you where their head is…. I feel like they don’t really care about what’s going on with humanity.”


I actually don’t think he’s a moron. I think he’s actually a very intelligent person…BUT…he has a hyper extreme case of “smartest guy in the room” syndrome. He has an insane ego and thinks he’s so much smarter than everybody. In turn, he gets off on knowing something that everyone doesn’t.

He thinks being smart means that he has to read up on everything, every side, every opinion, every theory. Then, because being smarter than everyone gives him a boner, he gravitates toward conspiracies and alternative facts because other people don’t know them/believe in them, so now he has something on everybody else. He thinks the more he reads up on stuff, no matter how fucking dumb it is, the smarter it makes him because now he knows more.

I used to think Rodgers didn’t differentiate between truth and fiction, reality and conspiracy, that he just thought all knowledge was great. But now I think he knows the difference, he just thinks everyone is below him, so he needs to hold different beliefs than the riff-raff. He knows something we don’t know and that makes us sheep and him superior. The longer he stays in that bubble, though, the more he truly believes the bullshit.

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People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who do.


I think all of that is true with regard to his approach, and he is also a dumbass.



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Maybe he used to be normal before he started using psilocybin and ayahuasca.

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You’re not describing a “very intelligent person” here:

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Maybe it’s Pat McAfee’s fault.

Why, did Pat McAfee introduce him to drugs?

Don’t think so, just Pat McAfee and a weekly national “all about me” forum.

Rodgers definitely has signs of weirdness and being an attention whore when he was dating Olivia Munn long before there was a Pat McAfee Show.

There was some speculation at the time that Munn was his beard, but maybe he was just using her for the attention.

Not for nothing, but you just gave a pretty detailed description of an idiot. A defining characteristic of intelligence is self-awareness, and instinctively valuing contrarianism just makes you systematically dumber. I wrote a paper on this in the ninth grade.


He also dated Danica Patrick I think he just likes famous brunettes.

I think it’s more he was the smartest person around below average intelligence people so he thought he was brilliant and his ego grew huge. He then stopped reading up on things and because of his huge ego just figured what he believed was right since he’s just so much better than everyone else.



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