Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

setting the o/u on coconut tree references in the debate at 3.50

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Holy shit at how badly misrepresented this was in the report and the media. Note to self to never make rhetorical statements or sarcastic comments in a deposition.

  • 8/12 - Zero income tax states (Piss off Seward’s Folly!)
  • 10/12 - Top 2 Highest Population
  • 11/12 - Arizona
  • 12/12 - Massachusetts

I can at least understand the logic on the first two categories. The last two are the confusing ones for me.

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Besides what Fredbird said, a couple were in a pilot program.


Who does a RFK/Rodgers ticket take votes away from? Has to be Trumpers who love Rodgers insane shit mostly right? Maybe just wishful thinking. I could see that ticket doing a relatively large % of votes in the general (5-10%).

Aaron Rodgers going to kill it with the Rogan bros.

I vaguely remember polling months ago showing RFK will take more votes away from trump. I take everything I read and see with a giant grain of salt though.

New talking points just dropped: “You may not like the President’s age, 81, but there’s a number that’s a hell of a lot higher than 81. It’s 91–that’s how many felony counts Donald Trump is facing.”

From Swalwell this morning

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No one cares. People want help.

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Honestly would not surprise me if Trump picks an NFL guy, but I still think the smart money is on some daytime TV figure.

Maybe I’m out of touch but I feel like that might be inflated by like an order of magnitude. I feel like all but the most fringe voters look at a guy that’s a current fucking NFL QB and realize it’s a pure gimmick to have him on the ticket and he belongs nowhere near the presidency.

Kennedy currently has a polling average of 12% according to the poll aggregator on RCP.

Third party candidates almost always do better in polls than actual voting. I think it might be even bigger this year as both Biden and Trump unpopular, so people say they will vote third party to express that displeasure, but when it comes time to vote will go back to the party.


Suerly RFK is mostly poaching voters from Trump, I say let him cook.


As of today, it’s gone down to 85(?) counts. Meanwhile Biden is another day older.

in terms of fame/name recognition Kanye is much more well known than Rodgers and he got 60,000 votes out of 160M in the last election.


Buffalo and Rochester are pretty blue, and they may want to keep Rodgers out of the division. Don’t think this is enough people to flip NY red, tho.


Seems like VP pick for a Kennedy is super important, these guys have an iffy shelf life imo.