Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

So Hur will go full hatchet job and the Dem response will be to whine about how he didn’t play fair, violated norms and failed to live up to the example set by the great Bob Muller, right?

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What exactly is Hur doing?

Did anyone ever ask Britt what she thought about the subject of her tale being in America? Her party seems to want to deny such people’s asylum claims. Was the point of her story that we need to accept more refugees? Or was it that we need to keep them in Mexico where they can keep being raped? Obviously she wouldn’t give a straight answer, but a logical human would have to go with one of those right?

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Makes it impossible. Wtf does that mean. He’s fucking auctioning to be Trumps AG. Is the DOJ gonna file to stop him from testifying?

It’s obviously not impossible. Violates norms or breaks rules, maybe goes against conditions he agreed to, something like that. Next thing you know, he’ll have a book out and whatever doj can theoretically do to him don’t mean dick in the Trump administration.

From Yglesias,

Instead of owning up to this, the ACLU has decided to pay a fortune to management-side lawyer Kenneth Margolis to advance boutique legal theories arguing, not that the ACLU’s conduct respected Ms. Oh’s Section 7 rights, but rather that the NLRB, either because of the constitution or the ACLU’s arbitration policy, has no authority to enforce Ms. Oh’s rights. In the unlikely scenario where these theories succeed, the ACLU will strike a blow, not just against Ms. Oh, but every worker across the country and the labor movement more generally.

It’s hard to imagine that the individuals and foundations that donate to the ACLU want to see the organization use their money to undermine workers rights like this. If the ACLU comes to its senses on this, it can back out of the case at any time by simply providing Ms. Oh with reinstatement and backpay.

“Those words do appear on page 47 of the transcript.”

Does this guy not remember saying those words? I didn’t watch the hearing but would guess his memory selectively came back.

Of course he remembers. He’s a lawyer practiced in evasive answers.

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Yes, but what about compared to rates on November 8th, 1946? Crime is WAY up since then.


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Seems like Special Counsel Hur was being a little economical with the truth with these Biden memory lapses:

On remembering the date of his son’s death:

Hur: "He did not remember, even within several years, when his son, Beau,died.

Transcript says:

BIDEN: …and so I hadn’t, I hadn’t - even though I’m at Penn - I hadn’t walked away from the idea that I may run for office again. But if I ran again I’d be running for president. And, and so, what was happening, though - what month did Beau die? Oh, god, May 30th –
MS. COTTON: 2015
BIDEN: Was it 2015?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was May of 2015
BIDEN: It was 2015

pg 82-83, Transcript 1

On not remembering when he was VP:

Hur: He did not remember when he was [vice president], forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended (‘if it was 2013 — when did I stop being Vice President?’), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began (‘in 2009, am I still Vice President?’).

Transcript says:

MR. CRICKBAUM: …was this a notebook that you used as Vice President and took notes in as Vice President?
BIDEN: The date is 4.20.09. Was I still Vice President? I was, wasn’t I? Yeah.
BIDEN: Yeah.

Pg 13, Transcript 2

Closer to the mark on the 2013 thing. The thing is he’s being asked about how all these files (along with some post VP files) ended up in a box in his garage in 2022, so he’s tracking this box and its contents through a bunch of dates all at once:

MR. HUR: Do you have any idea where this material would’ve been before it got moved into the garage?
BIDEN: Well, if it was 2013 – When did I stop being Vice President?
MS. COTTON: 2017
BIDEN: So I was Vice President. So it must have come from Vice President stuff. That’s all I can think of.

Pg 146, Transcript 1

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pelosi’s like, “oh that’s nice”


I’m sure the media will rush to correct their previous reporting which took this obviously political horseshit at face value after previously getting owned by Comey, Barr and hell, Ken Starr.


lmao this is just normal people talking when other people who know things are in the room.



What a weird collection of states. Why those?