Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Ok, I’ll post it. Scarlett portion starts at 2:27


I normally hate their political cold opens because they just go for the low-hanging fruit and pretty much repeat whatever the politician sad. But they did a good job with the Britt thing. Actually had some jokes and some funny twists.

Here’s a dumbfuck idea.


I again ask: When has any Republican or Republican news outlet given the Democrats an ounce of credit for moderating their position or reaching across the aisle?

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Is there anyone less relevant than Bill Maher?


Even Biden referring to Laken Riley’s killer as “an illegal”, which should please them greatly, is getting him criticized

Scarlett nailed it.

In 2024 never apologizing is the optimal strategy in politics. Maybe it always was.

That’s how Biden should approach his Israel strategy.


“Turning setback into comeback,” Biden said on Thursday. “That’s what America does.” It’s a good message. And it has the added benefit of being true.

To be clear, Klein isn’t admitting he was wrong. Most of the piece is about how even the good news is bad for Biden, but at least he doesn’t mention age.

I had 2030 myself. Seems pretty idiotic in retrospect.

Have you seen John Elway recently? Elway looks like the cryptkeeper compared to this bloke.

I still think it’s accurate. I’ve been to Fort Worth recently and it’s changing.

I suppose it’s going to depend on how you define purple. I’m defining purple as a swing state. Don’t see that happening by 2030.

You’ll know more after the 2024 election. If it’s worse than 2018 for a Cruz win then we’re obviously wrong. If it’s closer or somehow a win, we’re probably right. President this time around doesn’t mean anything for this even though Texas doesn’t love Trump and never has.

With all the psycho Californians that have moved to Nevada, it might have flipped from solid blue to purple again. 2020 was much closer than expected in the presidential race after the previous several elections but it’s still likely a blue state even with the state electing a Trump turd sheriff as Governor (and also Lt. Governor flipped) in 2022 because it hated the Governor so much for how he handled Covid. The only other flip was a vacant seat for State Controller because the Dem didn’t run for re-election. The State Assembly and State Senate both increased Democratic control and the Democratic Representatives all dusted their opponents.

Almost nothing else went weird in that election in the state if I remember correctly. All the other sweats in 2020 were the same as they had been since 2016. The Senator up in 2024 is very milquetoast, so she’s likely going to cruise to re-election. The only GOP person on the primary ballot with name recognition is serial loser and Trump sycophant Jim Marchant (will probably be the nominee), so this seat seems very unlikely to flip to me. His last election was losing Secretary of State after basically promising to flip election results and being an election denier.

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Did everyone miss that her son’s name is “Ridgeway”? I just caught that on the rewatch. The only time I have heard that name is the serial killer. What in the actual fuck?

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Ok then


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