Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Is Don Jr on Cameo? Maybe we can ask and throw him like $50 or whatever. I would be curious to hear what he thinks “Algonquin round table” means.

Yeah I used to watch most of the pregame show (eight hours or whatever) and never saw this.

How potent is the line of attack that a vote for Biden is a vote for Kamala because Joe’s gonna die?

We are so fucked if that poll resembles reality.

There is no chance that poll resembles reality


69% think democrats are too far left? come on now.

59% miss trmp’s policies??? bwaahahaha

I think this is one of those things where 69% of people agree with the statement “Dems are too far left” and then 87% of them support policies to the left of what Dems offer. People just don’t live in reality, they live in narratives.


Don’t think that line of attack is potent at all, regardless of age I don’t think many people see that as likely

Harris Poll chairman is Mark Penn.

It’s a poll that says 30% of Democrats approve of the job the Republican Party is doing.

Mark Penn is married to Nancy Jacobson, the CEO of No Labels.

They need to figure out how to account for the polling pool being very stupid people.

That was what they were looking for

i think we all( particularly polling and media) have to realize that we are so far passed objective life. we are all in the “feels” territory. people “feel” the dems are too far left, but have no idea of one policy they think is too left. people “feel” that crime is high because they mainline fox/sinclair news and dont like biden. people “feel” that immigration is a problem because they see an extra brown person at the store that wasn’t there ten years ago.

I work with many conservatives and they can absolutely identify progressive policies they feel are too far left (I debate them all the time). Cancelling student debt is a big one

Canceling business owner debt, though, that’s not left or right–it’s just good sense

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like hokie said, canceling debt isn’t "far left’ by any means when its canceled for things they agree with. they feel canceling student debt is far left because they feel that liberals will benefit more than conservatives from it. it’s the same reason why they think stuff like that is “buying votes” when it helps liberals but it’s just politics when you give tax cuts to the wealthy donors.

Republicans have been wildly successful at pushing the Overton window over the past 30 years. Even if you don’t watch Fox News, you get the constant sense that mainstream America is somewhere in between Fox and CNN on the spectrum. It’s all pretty hopeless.

I think my boss is a pretty typical conservative and I’ve discussed student loan forgiveness at length with him. It’s not that he feels it helps liberals more than conservatives or that it’s about buying votes. He thinks people should pay their debts and it pisses him off to no end if some people do while others don’t have to

Can I get some examples of cancelling business debt? Sounds like a good argument I haven’t used with him yet. I mostly just point out the rise in college costs and cost of living today versus 40 years ago when he was college age. I have brought up bailing out banks and auto companies and he actually agrees we shouldn’t have done that