Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

You’re pretty confident for a guy who said “Orange Guy Bad” wouldn’t work last time. You don’t have the best track record, just saying.

The Biden age stuff is infuriating because it is so transparently bullshit by Republicans and so frustrating that Dems give these opportunities to Republicans. I get that.

I also suspect it doesn’t matter that much, it’s just the news cycle political content du jour. My unsubstaintiated theory of the day on this is that people like to think that this personal stuff drives people to support politicans, but I think it’s the other way around. If people want to vote for someone, they’ll jump through whatever illogical hoops they need to justify it.

The entire experience of the pandemic and Trump has really changed my perspective on this. I now think that people decide what they want and work backwards to the justifications. I honestly think that for the bulk of voters the logic of voting is basically this: I will default to the person that slashed my taxes unless the other person gives me something I desperately want. This is obviously a gross simplifcation that is necessarily incomplete, but I think it’s true in broad strokes. At least in the post-Reagan era, Dems win by capitalizing on a desperate need of voters. People desperate to see their economic situation improve voted for Clinton, people desperate for health care voted for Obama, people desperate for stability voted for Biden. I’m just making shit up here, obviously, but IMO Dems should spend absolutely no time arguing with Rs about shit like Biden’s age. They just need to identify the sources of desperation of the public - and there are plenty of them - and hammer again and again and again that Rs have absolutely no intention of helping them but Dems will give them all kinds of shit to make their lives better. Let the Rs scream SOCIALISM, when people vote they’ll pick government handouts if they believe they will personally benefit from them.


It didn’t. Biden barely got over the line in 2020 thanks to the blue wave from the ACA repeal. Dems cleaned up in 2020 thanks to abortion. Dems can actually win when they run on dinner-table politics (which is what I’ve always said), but they’re not going to win if 2024 is a referendum on Biden’s age.

It’s like John Kerry and the Swift Boat allegations. You can’t waste time litigating deranged conspiracy stuff but also you can’t just ignore it and let the right fire shots all day. Only solution is to make the conversation about something else.

This is a more elegant version of my multiparagraph rant. Well done.

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The Democrats barely beat the second most unelectable presidential candidate in American history thanks in part to a pandemic, I’m not sure Orange Man Bad was really vindicated as a strategy.

Man, just last week Trump just paid $80 million because he defamed one of his rape victims and the news cycle moved on. You can’t beat this guy with mudslinging, no one cares.

OK, so you can’t be wrong. Fair enough.

I don’t really get this - does anyone really care about their taxes as an actual dollar sign money thing in their bank account? No fucking way IMO. No one outside of the 1% and probably just the 0.1%. I am “heavily taxed” and I have no idea what what policy changes affect me in a $ way, no idea how what I pay in taxes from year to year and certainly not who to vote for.

I mean does anyone here know what the “tax cut and jobs act of 2018” or whatever actually changed for them? Like an actual $ amount?

This is absolutely the truth, across party lines.

Disgusting, of course, but true. Our dumbass opponent is making it his top issue (no matter that state assembly has no say over federal border policy, immigration scares the rubes) and it’s all we get asked about in forums, etc.

Fucking annoying.

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How do you combat that?

I wouldn’t even know where to begin.

Orange Guy bad works a lot better when the orange guy has been in office fucking up the country for the last four years, that is not a winning strategy for this election for Biden to win in 2024 he is going to have to run on his accomplishments and Dems are shockingly bad at messaging any of the good things biden has done. If you asked the median voter what Biden’s biggest accomplishment to date has been what do you think their answer would be?

OK, sorry for being snarky, but I’ve just become a little annoyed with the repeated refrains on this board.

Yes, Trump won’t suffer consequences and LOL Law.
Yes, the Dems are bad at politics.

And even when evidence to the contrary comes in, it doesn’t matter. And sure, yeah, to some extent I agree. But saying ‘“Orange Man Bad” is a lame strategy,’ is not analysis. The fact is, the Dems absolutely HAVE to say that loudly and often, in certain environments. The money that comes in from #Resistance types is no joke and is critical to success. Of course it’s dumb to assume that’s all they need to do, but I don’t feel like many people are arguing that’s the case. And to ignore Trump as a motivating factor for a significant sector would be crazy. We forget that here on this board we are not really representational. “Orange Man Bad” is not the only message, but it needs to be part of it. It’s sad, I guess, but they need #Resistance on board too. Anyway.


Put differently, some of the ‘smaller’ but most refreshing Dem wins in the last couple years have definitely been the result (at least partially) of money coming in from Engaged/Enraged online types who definitely are mainlining “Orange Man Really Really Bad”.

Money doesn’t even matter in the Presidential race, it gets overwhelmed by earned and social media.

Which is why it’s so infuriating to be going through a donor call list and see the thousands of dollars donated to Biden or safe blue seats when that money would mean SO MUCH more to their lives if it went to local and state candidates.

The elected officials who get the lowest amount of donations have by far the most impact on your day to day life. City council, school board, county supervisor, state legislator…argh


lol literally everyone with a pulse on the left said he was a terrible pick grandpa, for this exact reason

It’s you hi you’re the problem it’s you - YOU CAN FIRE HIM

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Firing the AG because he’s upset at a special council investigation is wrong.

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This will go completely uncovered

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