Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Biden’s never living down the allegations even if they aren’t true. The campaign is already on the defensive.Trump just has to hammer away at Biden’s age and immigration and he wins this pretty easily.

I mean if we have to rely on “I will vote for a potato over a Nazi”, that might still work. But I really don’t think he’s a potato and hopefully he can prove that.

Dems have zero message control, it’s going to be months of NYT/CNN stories about Biden’s age and the immigration “crisis,” Biden’s going to make old man gaffes that will go viral, it’s not looking great.


Looking pretty good for the sizable minority of the country that desperately desperately wants fascism though.

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Yawn…you should probably pace yourself with the nihilism.

A strong primary challenge to an incumbent president is bad news. A contested primary with no incumbent in the field is different.

Which is what this should have been.

It’s absurd that he didn’t say after the 2022 midterms that he wasn’t running.


In his defense he probably forgot that he had said he wasn’t going to run again. Maybe he got 2020 confused with 1988.


A contested primary is massively better than sending a badly flawed candidate off to stop Trump.

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Yeah, Hur did a “Comey”.

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The one blessing is that it came out far enough in advance of the election it should be forgotten come November. Of course it gives more legs to the Biden is too old and feeble to be President, but I don’t think it’s some magic bullet for that gun.

Of course, Dems suck as messaging here since Trump is basically as old and just as gaffe prone as Biden, but no one cares when Trump does stupid stuff.

If Trump wins, Democrats need to let the house pass a budget without any Democrat votes. See what they come up with. The 2028 senate elections have like 10 seats that Republicans won by < 55%.

If someone challenged Biden, the likeliest outcome would be a wounded Biden winning the nomination with less of a chance than he currently has.


He never said this. Lots of his surrogates suggested it but Biden never personally committed to it.

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Yeah, I think everyone agrees that Biden should have just stepped down.

I don’t agree with that.

I mean you never know. In an alternate reality, Biden confirms back in early-mid '22 that he definitely isn’t running, but then Newsom turns out to have a DeSantis trajectory in the polls as people learn more about him, and the rest of the field has the approximate charm of a wet dishrag, with Trump up 14-16 points on everybody in hypothetical polling.

Meanwhile Biden is off cracking jokes and being kinda cool and everyone is like “oh christ WAAF why couldn’t he just have run again” lolol.


Has anyone just tried telling him that this is his second term?


matt damon wins all 50 states

Not only can they not win this PR battle, the more they argue about it the more your median voter will think they are trying to hide things from them. He should say that even if he’s slowed down with age he’s still smarter than Donnie Dumb Dumb and talk about all the stupid shit Trump has said and done. Fact checking Republican lies never works.