Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Jesus man. This is so silly and wrong you have to be trolling.

Any reasonable politician understood that a contested primary minimized the chances of Democrats retaining the White House.

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That’s a pretty good burn


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How the fuck does Garland let that report get published with totally irrelevant blatantly political pontificating. Fuck off Merrick Garland, what a shiteating coward.


No one cares. The news cycle will be about Biden being a feeble old senile man who is just as bad as Trump because he did the documents also. Something about 80% of the country thinks anyways.


Not that this will matter at all to the narrative - but getting things wrong like years, names, etc. when on the spot is super standard, even for non-olds (although obviously it does get worse with age). I’ve now taken testimony from 50+ people and they get all sorts of major things wrong - or have to take a moment and think about it. Things like when they graduated, got married, started a job. And names are far worse - the funniest was when someone couldn’t remember his counsel’s name who was sitting right next to him. Often they know the right answer, but in the moment of trying to quickly answer under pressure, they just have a brain fart.


So it’s a Republican special counsel who can’t find any evidence that’s criminal in nature so he just turned his report into a political smear job?

We are hurtling towards absolute disaster on a scale none of us have lived through in our lifetimes and the people who have actual control of the situation are completely asleep at the wheel. Biden himself is the (barely) living stumbling embodyment of it. It’s a complete disgrace.

Like Biden may win but the fact the most likely outcome is what will likely amount to a Trump dictatorship starting in less than a year is complete insanity.


Besides the pictures of tattered and poorly stored files next to the vette I guess there isn’t much. However it doesn’t matter really. Current live look-in at the media that in theory should be pro-Biden:

Meanwhile at fox:

‘Angerly spars’ implies coherence and intention

CNN creaming their shorts over another Trump presidency.


Biden did that

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I don’t think it’s hyperbole to say a Trump Presidency is will be very very bad

More like filling their diapers.

Cillizza, as usually, is dumb. Maybe it’ll work, maybe it won’t, but the only way to dispel the issue is having Biden out interacting in public.

Nonsense. Unless you think Hillary was a better candidate than Obama.

What happens in the next 9 months is going to outweigh this single report, but it’s obviously not great. I’m glad this happened now rather than in September.


Yeah none of the news in this thread from this week impacts the election at all. Very little that happens before the party conventions will matter (maybe Trump’s court cases)

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