Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

If he really said that, I feel like it would make him seem more relatable and cause a big uptick in his polling.


Dark Brandon is out, nihilistic Biden is in.

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And then compare it to this one


I’ll Never forget the first time I met Dr. Kissinger. I was a young Senator and he was Secretary of State–giving a breifing on the state of the world. that fucker thought I was a STAFFER

Throughout our careers I ain’t calling hm an elder statesman we often disagreed. That fucker was never right And often strongly. fucking war criminal But from that first briefing where he thought I was a staffer and deliberately mispronounced my name – his fierce intellect and profound strategic focus was evident Yeah, he did things. Does this sound magnanimous enough, Jill?

Long after retiring from government, he continued to offer his views and ideas man, that guy literally never shut up to the most important policy discussion across multiple generations. No one actually asked him. He was like your racist uncle at Thanksgiving who can’t stop talking about MAGA bullshit

Jill and I send our condolences sigh, I guess we have to say this part, his family is slightly less terrible than him, right? to his wife Nancy, his children Elizabeth and David, his grandchildren, no I refuse to list them by name and all those who loved him. That’s certainly not me, haha, fuck that guy, good riddance



12 packs of coke are on sale 3 for $18 at Target. Inflation over.


But people feel like they are $50 for 2 cans, so Biden must go.

Not sure what level y’all are on, but three 12 packs for $18 is an absurdly high “sale” price.

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It’s one can of coke, Michael. What can it cost, ten dollars?


The sale is 7.99 for 24 cans. $2 individually

Dang I get a 24 pack of Pepsi for $9.98. Is it deflation in Texas?

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Two 12 packs for $8 is a pretty good but not fantastic deal.

maybe its bc i rarely drink soda anymore but $2 for a can when buying in bulk is still absurd imo. the last time i drank soda it was like 50c per can when buying in bulk and then like $1 per can if you were buying at a concession stand.

I think we’re all on the same page there.

Oh yeah? Well if the economy is so great then why am I still annoyed at Biden? Answer me that smart guy.


I mean there’s this, and then there’s a CNN poll that says 67% of respondents think crime is up 1000% under Biden. So who knows that to believe?


Year on year decline is obviously good, but the 60 year stat seems little misleading.

“Detroit’s population in 1960 was 1.67 million — more than double the 639,111 counted in 2020, according to U.S. Census Bureau figures. The homicide rate per 100,000 people in 1966s was 12.8 based on the 1960 population, whereas 214 killings with the current population would result in a rate of 33.4.”

