Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

This is so republican it’s like being surprised a fish is wet.

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Certainly this will be the thing that kills the Republican party once and for all.

ETA: the only people that care are already not voting Republican.


Lot of Dark Brandon in Dem debate counter-programming, these are on billboard screens around Milwaukee

The RNC and Chinese nationalists did some great propaganda. Too bad it was on behalf of some Democratic Harvard dorks that could never think of doing something this good

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I think dump the meme with the eyes as that just looks wrong to any normal person and needs a malarkey but that’s better. (it is more eye catching tho but the president with demon eyes might not be what you want to project, that is definitely get a focus group before you do this kind of thing) Yes I know that’s what they’re selling as merch so they leaned into it.

also the SS cuts one is kinda weirdly read–might be taken the wrong way as the average voter is a moron.

Last two the best two though I think roe is too unclear to the average voter but it’s a solid campaign slogan even though there’s nothing he can really do about it, court packing is out, coding it is out (50 non manchin dems are needed as joe is a hard catholic) but that doesn’t matter. Trump didn’t drain the swamp or make america great either.



The idea of buying a house too fantasy for fantasy, I guess


That’s shot for champion

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Not fair, they have been negotiating ever since now that the workers lost leverage

what’s shot short for?

But wtf is wrong with me where I know exactly what TV scene that’s from.


It’s shot for shot, Jack

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I have recently had to listen to our CEO go on about how Biden is clearly more of a criminal than Trump. That the house committee has banking records linking various Bidens. I haven’t paid any attention because I assume it’s all complete bullshit. Assuming it is, anyone have a good article I can read that explains so?

One, two, three, funny

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This is what house R’s are doing, they say there is apparent smoke, I’m not sure of the exact details but they claim someone did blab to the fbi some years ago saying they paid each biden 5 million. Something about Ukraine bribery also. May have recordings. Bank records.

He has some stuff but it’s not out of line compared to everyone else in congress. idk politics is dumb they’re going to fire back true or not.

we do know hunter worked for burisma at one point (ukraine) and biden did publically try and got shokin fired. but that was out in the open with uh, well not bribery but definitely not great but not throw him into the slammer.

“Which election did Joe Biden conspire to illegally overturn which led to him to being indicted by the federal department of justice, which has a 99.4% conviction rate?”

“blah blah blah”

“so 2008? no? Must have been 2012 right?”

The media doesn’t write articles like that. That they haven’t written any articles about Biden banking records suggests that those records don’t exist. That a Republican-controlled House committee hasn’t made such records public suggests that those records don’t exist.
