Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Maniac trumpy: molon labe!!

FBI: okay

Working hard! Thank you!

It’s a MERRICKle

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what exactly has he done since being appointed? Anything comes up and he just delegates it to a special counsel.
Wish I could do that in my job.

To be fair I haven’t paid a ton of attention but am I wrong in my general impression that Hunter is a bit of a POS and maybe should be in jail?

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Sure, put him and trump both in prison plz


Maybe they can run together on a unification ticket from prison. BIPARTISANSHIP!

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he’s a complete POS
probably but it’s USA so despite locking up more than everyone else, there’s still so many more

I try to stay away from the whataboutism but are there any actual investigations into Kushner and Mnuchin’s bullshit “Abraham Fund” Middle East cash grab tours? I mean, they made up a phony govt fund, used govt resources to travel to the ME to gather investments ostensibly for said fund, then the fund evaporated and those two fuckfaces had the money in their private investment firms shortly after. Did this confuse everyone because it was so blatant?

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I remember Hunter’s interviews from when he made the rounds for his book tour a few years ago to get out in front of Rs unloading on him. In hindsight, definitely a manipulative scummy m’fer.

I still remember Marc Maron saying something to the effect of “I know you say all that is behind you but as a former drug addict myself, I worry about you. Your love of crack just leaps off the page.”

our esteemed law bros take many month long investigations for things everyone with two functioning eyeballs figured out just looking at it in real time but we like crimes that take up full length TV episodes and secrecy and stuff

the trumps kinda figured out the cheat code just do it in front of everyone and nobody will do anything about it


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I think he gets an increased level of scrutiny b/c of his name (i.e. getting investigated for and charged with stuff that prosecutors usually let slide), but I guess I’m enough of a statist that I see that as an argument for going after more corruption, not an argument in favor of letting him slide.

I thought the rich and powerful always get treated with kid gloves?

I think as a general rule being rich and famous protects you. I would much rather be a billionaire committing tax fraud than a poor person selling cocaine. I also think there are situations where having multiple Congressional committees and teams of oppo researchers looking into your life turns up stuff that law enforcement or prosecutors would not have otherwise found on their own.

maybe they’re just like my mother



Lol, fuck her, every thing that is detrimental to her is a positive. Every single thing.

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