Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Landslide Incoming:



Who was it on this website this very week who replied to me with an argument that all infrastructure is a public good, even if itā€™sā€¦ private

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Sounds good. I look forward to the Starbucks CEO going to prison

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CNN Poll: Biden faces negative job ratings and concerns about his age as he gears up for 2024 (

Joe Biden faces continued headwinds from broadly negative job ratings overall, widespread concerns about his age and decreased confidence among Democratic-aligned voters, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS.

There is no clear leader in a potential rematch between Biden and former President Donald Trump, who is widely ahead in the GOP primary. And nearly half of registered voters (46%) say that any Republican presidential nominee would be a better choice than Biden in 2024.

We are so fucked.

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i always wonder how things like this are constructedā€¦

like i would 100% answer that iā€™m ā€œconcernedā€ about bidenā€™s age if i was polled. but iā€™m also 100% voting biden if heā€™s the nominee.


Would you vote for a different candidate in a primary?

i guess that would depend on who it was and who the likely repub nominee was. versus trump i think Biden is fine and wins again, iā€™d be more scared if the republicans had someone that was remotely likeable on the benchā€¦

the dems donā€™t really have an heir apparent either, but i think iā€™d be inclined to vote for someone like newsom if it was at issue.

Itā€™s roughly a toss-up that will lean one way or the other depending on random events that happen in the lead up to the election, always has been, always will be.

The latest confirmation of that is both horrifying and meh, old news.

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Thatā€™s a bit of a click-baity headline. The looming issues with water are really complex but also potentially dire. If you are tasked with coming up with ideas to address water issues, it would be incredibly irresponsible not to consider public-private ventures to raise capital to update infrastructure thatā€™s important for water production and delivery.

I know it doesnā€™t matter but donald trump is less than 4 years younger than biden

and trump seems like heā€™s lost a step but theyā€™re gonna attack with whatever shit they throw that actually sticks

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Iā€™ve seen a fair bit of reporting that 60% of those surveyed were R or R leaning independents. Horrible poll.


I looked up the actual recommendation and the privatization examples were things like small rural communities without a tax base for infrastructure investment that allowed private companies to come set up their water services. Itā€™d obviously be better if some form of government could manage to find the funding instead but if the options are to let a company own the infrastructure or leave a community without water itā€™s an easy choice.


wait, the capital of vermont is only 8000 people?

well, still bigger than my town

well just 3 points the same as lost from the census changes, it doesnā€™t seem to make any difference in the 24 map, also very unlikely a tie is realistic so thereā€™s that too.

Itā€™s also the only state capital without a McDonaldā€™s.


they are stuck in a hard place, because itā€™s probably hard to find a good example to use, because the small towns that actually do vote republican probably arenā€™t very photogenicā€¦



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