Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

This is the interview when he made the gaffe of being unsure if power will be transferred peacefully if Trump wins.

Also, was that a shot fired at Nancy after she went on the podcasts last week?

10 seconds in “I was neck and neck, would have come down to the wire, but other dems thought I was going to hurt down ballot races.”

Seems like he still doesn’t really grasp how cooked he was/is.


Lmao he seems to not know that all the Dem senate candidates were like 10+ points ahead of him

How much is age and how much is his staff not being able to tell him anything negative about himself/be anything other than a Yes Person

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I wonder too how much is him just trying to save face.


I do think that the final result would have been way closer than the post-debate polls but while Biden may characterize losing by a mere 1-4% in all the key swing states as neck and neck, I’d consider it an electoral college blowout. And also the gap between Biden and the Senate candidates would have been mostly resolved by bringing them down with him. The Senate candidates might have ended up running 1-2% ahead of Biden but drag would be enough to lose 1 or 2 precious seats unnecessarily.

Also, fuck these people. I now admit that every D outside the Biden orbit was obviously and clearly 100% correct but they didn’t phrase the argument quite how I would so fuck them!

“Liberal, liberal, liberal…”

Exactly. And she’s been vice president for three and a half years. She’s a very known quantity. She’s known but not as known as you think she should be. So she has the opportunity to define herself. But what she has that is so critically important is that she’s got change.

Trump had an advantage to some extent on change against Biden because Biden was the incumbent and he was getting to run as the outsider again. Suddenly he’s kind of the past. And if you recall, a lot of voters were like, “I don’t want either one of them.” Well, now they actually don’t have to make a choice between either one that they didn’t want. They actually have a very different alternative. So the dynamic here, and in particular, her ability to kind of be and speak and feel and look like a significant change from what’s come before — that spirit and that emotion is going to be throughout this convention.

This is where I imagine it’s got to be kind of weird for you, and difficult because the argument that you just made is the argument that all of these party leaders were making to you at the White House. For example, “If we just do this, switch up the age issue, the change issue, it will be resolved, we’ll have a new race and we’ll be back in it.”

That was not the argument they were making. Not at all.


Ready to die for biden now


wtf did they use a generated image of a credit card with Terry Crews on it


Its an old meme from a news story where a lady went on twitter complain her bank wouldnt make a card look like that without written permission so terry tweeted back " its okay signed terry". She wanted it because it makes terrys angry face will make her spend less


Someone is going to trick a chatbot into giving them a million dollars and they will disappear overnight.

The membership cancel would be big. Also needs to be a law that you can cancel before your membership expires and still continue to use it. So if you buy a one year membership you can immediately cancel and still use for a year. I realize this makes memberships less useful to businesses and I cry for them.


Just like the GOP wants to do for voter registration.


Every online membership I have works this way.

Youtube TV, Netflix, Xbox gamepass. You cancel and keep until it expires. Love it for Youtube tv, really only use it during football season and NBA playoffs, find some deals for a couple of months and immediately cancel.

Apple makes all apps do that too. Apple used to do it themselves but then they started giving trials with new hardware and if you cancel your service ends at that moment.


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The report itself provides extensive details about the interactions with and payments from foreign companies to Hunter Biden and the president’s brother James Biden and their business associates during the end of his time as vice president and when he was a private citizen.

The investigators put the total at $27 million, according to the bank records they received. But the investigators failed to turn up evidence that Biden himself received money from those companies or participated in the foreign business deals beyond the occasions when Hunter Biden called him on speakerphone to exchange pleasantries while in the company of foreign business associates or when he saw them at his son’s birthday dinner.



Well well well, if it isn’t the blowjob brothers.


I love this shit. All these plans falling completely flat.

Get fucked dickheads