Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

His speech stutter issues may make him seem much worse mentally than he actually is.


This is a common complaint, but I donā€™t know that it is necessarily true. Just because he canā€™t speak well live on a podium it doesnā€™t necessarily mean that heā€™s not all there. Itā€™s not like heā€™s playing Jeopardy. There is not really a realistic decision that he would need to make where he wonā€™t have time to consider the options, discuss it, and render an informed decision.

Itā€™s entirely possible that he just canā€™t really speak very coherently but he is mentally aware enough to make all the decisions just fine. I suppose one could argue that part of the Presidentā€™s job is to do press conferences and other non-teleprompter public speaking, and while thatā€™s probably not untrue, itā€™s a pretty minuscule part that can be largely worked around.

Also, to be clear, Iā€™m not saying that I personally think any of the above. Iā€™m just saying that it is plausible.


Covered up he canā€™t run for president. That part was clear long ago.

That is a bit different than the point than I was responding to.

There is a better argument for that. One problem is that if you think he is competent to serve but is going to be a shit campaigner because he canā€™t speak coherently, I donā€™t know what you do about it. There is not a great way to make that point known without everyone interpreting it as ā€œhis brain is mush he can no longer serveā€, thus undermining the remainder of his term (which again, you wouldnā€™t do if you thought him competent to serve).

Again, to be clear, Iā€™m not saying that I personally think any of the above. Iā€™m just saying that it is plausible.

My one takeaway from all of this is that maybe Obama should have sent Nancy in to slap some sense into RBG over a decade ago. It probably wouldnā€™t have worked, but seems like it was worth a shot.

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This is all a plausible argument for, ā€œHe is capable of governing for the remaining 6 months of his termā€. I donā€™t think thereā€™s any plausible argument that a competent and honest staff would think, ā€œHeā€™s capable of governing for another 4 yearsā€, let alone campaigning for the job. Thatā€™s where I perceive the coverup - supporting the idea that he could effectively serve for another 4 years.

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Maybe. Itā€™s really hard to say looking from the outside. It could be that things just really accelerated in the last 3-4 months. Thatā€™s a thing that happens.

Moreover, they agreed to debate and put him out there. No one who knew how bad he was going to be could have possibly signed off on that. Unless you want to argue they were playing 4D chess (i.e., the knew he would embarrass himself and that would be their way of telling everyone).

If they knew he was that bad, they would have just ducked the debates and only had him emerge from his bunker for limited teleprompter-only engagements. Sure he might lose, but itā€™s not like he wasnā€™t OK with that. He had to be strongarmed into stepping aside.

Of course, Iā€™m not saying that I personally think any of the above, just that it is possible.

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Even though Nancy probably threatened to go full Keyser Soze on him, I still think we need to give the old dude credit for stepping down. He had the power to stay and most who have that will use it to the bitter end.


Right? And then we have these good points.


JSTIPing off

I guess I donā€™t get the logistics of what he actually did there


I do love that sly grin Biden always gives when he knows heā€™s going to enjoy answering a dumb question.


His diction is still weak. Glad he got out.

Yeah, that is a top tier zinger if delivered properly. He barely got the words out and if they werenā€™t written out, Iā€™m not sure I would have understood them.


Biden thanks members of former campaign staff as some teared-up, campaign official says

From CNNā€™s Nikki Carvajal

President Joe Biden spoke to several hundred members of his former Wilmington-based campaign staff at The Queen Theatre Thursday night, thanking them for their support of his presidential bid, a campaign official told pool reporters traveling with the president.

There were a few tears from some staff members, the official told the pool.

Biden took photos with every person who wanted one.

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ā€œI canā€™t even say how old I am. Itā€™s hard for me to get it out of my mouth.ā€