Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Agree that Biden should announce his decision the same way as LBJ - which I assume means busting out of the bathroom with his dick in his hands (didn’t read the article).



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Just like Andropov in the 80s.

So they want Biden to resign and then accept the party’s nomination?

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Thanks to Glenn’s take I think was wrong of LBJ to announce he wouldn’t seek reelection via televised address and he should have just tweeted it out like Biden.

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I haven’t watched him speak in quite a while. This is hard to watch.

Camera angle is not good

Yeah. Pretty clear that the awful debate performance wasn’t a one off bad night. I’m still enthusiastic about him stepping down, but I can’t help being super pissed at his staff. They had to have known that he wasn’t in shape for another term, and they covered it up.


We’re leading the world again in chips and salsa.


Joe sounds like he’s about to have a “rosebud” moment

The substance of this speech is fine, everything I expected.

The delivery is major cringe. It took too long to get here, but it’s good that we finally arrived. Not a moment too soon.

There’s lots of work to do.

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Yeah I was afraid he was going to stop speaking and just stare blankly at the screen with his mouth agape.

It looked like 100% of his focus was needed to simply read the prompter.

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My uncle got some kind of rapid-onset dementia. He went from a little forgetful to dead in about 7 years, with it really accelerating the last 2-3 years. Biden could be progressing rapidly. If we never see him after the election we’ll know why.

Hope his family realizes he made the right choice.

Hoping to see/hear very little from Biden over these next 4 months, it seems like any press he is going to generate is only going to be negative.

This guy has to lead the most powerful nation on earth for 6 more months. Yikes.

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If my Dad was an indicator, he pretty much had his full mental faculties until he had the stroke that led to death within 5 months.

But ther last few years, if he had even a cold, there was noticeable slippage in executive function and communication. But he would recover. He even recovered pretty well from the stroke for a few weeks before the final decline.

So he might rally, but if he’s losing brain cells then he won’t or not for long.