Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Dude is nowhere near as sexy as Joe. Cmon now.

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Everything Trump says is dumb as shit but I took the bullet and listened to the Hannity interview tonight and he can actually talk in complete sentences. Biden never will again.

I mean that seriously. Biden needs to be removed immediately for anyone, literally anyone who can actually speak English fluently. Biden has no chance to catch up in the current situation.

Weā€™ve got the $5 meal deal now and the biggie bag, which basically means inflation is over. All Biden had to do was stay in the basement and cruise to victory in November


Biden going to survive and we will all suffer to varying degrees for it. Trump 2.0 should be entertaining at least I guess :harold:

First Jon Stewart ep since the debates

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Maybe he couldā€¦ I dunno, speak out fucking publicly instead of being a fucking weasel.

Second, he did a live episode the day of the debatesā€¦ it was pretty spot on, and sad.

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I once thought about not posting with elipsesā€¦ but then decided I didnt want to live in that world.


As FDR said, ā€œIf the Nazis take over Europe, at least both teams had funā€



Is it weird that sometimes instead of laughing at a good joke I say ā€œMan, that was a really good joke.ā€

Somebody please tell me Im not Mandy Moore

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How many states is RFK actually going to be on the ballot for?

missed this in all the noise. lul mike

the money shot in this wall of text:

If Joe Biden is not fit to run for President, he is not fit to serve as President. He must resign the office immediately.

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lolol at these replies


Upthread someone mentioned that itā€™d odd that he sent a letter instead of a doing it live, but imagine Biden hoarse with COVID trying to croak something out. Republicans would be calling an immediate session impeach him


Iā€™m just touched Republicans are so concerned with allowing every person having their vote counted and their voice heard.


charlie kirk saying that his source told him Biden is actually already dead. big if true.


i posted this in the media thread, Biden apparently is on his deathbed from covid because his brother said he hopes to enjoy what time they had left together