Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

This is big - if they impeach Biden and he’s convicted, he won’t be able to run again!




Maybe some lawbros can chime in, but this is a pretty small win compared to what was lost in the SC.

And to be clear, it’s not like Biden “did” anything over replacement value. It’s like Trump taking credit for the SC. It’s just right place, right time. Biden just nominated Ds for openings like any D president would. Real legacy stuff!

Best President of my life

He’s getting his appointments through a Senate that has only 47 Democrats in it. Keeping Manchin and Sinema onside isn’t nothing.


Seriously, retirement-bound Biden is the best Biden:


If “I may be a white boy but I ain’t stupid” was his official re-election campaign slogan then he might still be in this thing.


Still his voice is weak. I remember when my Dad slowed down.

A.G.E. Is undefeated as a malady.

Hard disagree.
He’s slurring more. Not a positive for the normie politics. Maybe after the election he can throw some lines. The whole momentum now is exactly because of getting away from the old fossil. Are people having goldfish memories here?

Hey let’s try something about cornpop again, or watever the fuck malarkey he said.
Piss off Joe! You’re going to turn yourself into Hillary; another fkn anchor.

I guess the latest right wing talking point is that Jill is now in charge? Not sure why they are all talking about it but the comments on this photo seem to indicate that’s the new line.

(Am I blind or is Jill not in this pic?)

I saw one with her at the head of the table and said she joined him for a cabinet meeting