Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

I’d like to meet the person who walked here from Cuba.

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Reading comprehension is fundamental

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I’ve explained this already. Dunno if you read much either. Prohibiting people from applying for asylum because they crossed through Mexico is worse than prohibiting asylum applications because of the COVID epidemic.


This is your explanation:

It’s worse in that the covid epidemic can and did change. Those people at the border are still people who have crossed into third countries and they are now much more fucked than they were before Biden.

I’m sorry that I missed this before, I only read this site on my phone and it is easy for me to miss posts sometimes. I don’t know why you (and others) have this desire to try and filter disagreements into some kind of long-running team sport. I don’t give a shit about CN’s posts more than anyone else’s. I like some of his posting, like when he talks about medical stuff. But hate other tendencies he has, like getting too defensive and turning things into pissing matches rather than just admitting he misunderstood what was being said. I could say the same about you, too. One thing I really hate is the pissing matches between posters that I otherwise don’t mind, like in this instance. If there was any reason I felt more compelled to join in (I don’t feel that passionate about Biden’s immigration policy) it was because I hate these pissing matches and I tried to clarify the disagreement. You took offense thinking I was just defending Ikes, I guess, instead of maybe realizing that your original post wasn’t that clear as we have pointed out. Now, however, I regret my decision to join in at all.

I agree that that is a distinction that is better than a policy that is not contingent on the existence of a pandemic that could go away, but that has nothing to do with Trump, it was just a convenient excuse for him. Trump tried to replace it with something worse, something that the Supreme Court knocked down, which is something that is objectively worse than what Biden is now trying to put in place.


I was making a dumb joke, but since you want to pick it apart. The article, if you’d read it, implied there were people from Cuba who were stuck in Mexico too. In other words, they didn’t walk to Mexico. That cuts against micro’s theory that Biden’s policy is motivated by being designed to help only the people who are wealthy capitalists. Also, there’s the fact that he’s ignoring that Biden’s policy applies to Haitians, too, which again undermines his theory about the Biden Administration’s motivations.


If you want to discuss the history of a poster or old arguments, this thread is not the place for it.


Just a quick thank you in advance to those of you who are going to watch the debate and post about it, because there’s no way I can do it with my own eyes.


Isn’t weed legal in CA?

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Has anyone else watched Acapulco on Apple TV? I love how they have Spanish renditions of 80’s pop songs in every episode, they’re usually great. This made me think of that.

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5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bickering about old drama

I volunteer as tribute…


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Such an ad would be much more likely to exist if the only realistic food options were McDonald’s and Burger King.

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Biden will get reelected off the $5 meal deal. 50 cents upcharge for a L coke. basically back to dollar menu prices.

You really fucked us over buddy.



I totally forgot about that gem.

However, I guess we still haven’t met him and talked to him. So, we just can’t judge him.

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I read person as prison

His what staff?