Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

It’s worse. Try reading the original post. Did you do that? You just start reading when Ikes posted? Really?

Do you follow that? “Better in some ways”. Can you understand that?

It’s worse in that the covid epidemic can and did change. Those people at the border are still people who have crossed into third countries and they are now much more fucked than they were before Biden.

“Goalpost shift”

For fuck’s sake!

I read the original post, I even liked it. Why are you so mad?

Then you’d know that it wasn’t a goal post shift and you’d know that Ikes took one sentence and argued against it, even though the point of my post was that Trump and Biden are different on immigration as a whole. You should have been able to tell that because Ikes is a fucking idiot and responded before finishing even that short post, he was not even arguing with what I said, but with what he imagined I said.

And now you’re saying I’m shifting goal posts!!!

When you start off by saying that Biden isn’t better than Trump, it makes it look like the point of your post is that the ways in which Biden is better than Trump are cancelled out by the ways he is worse so there’s no net gain in having Biden as president.


No it doesn’t. The post is quite simple to understand, both literally and what I was getting at. I was saying Biden sucks, but Trump is worse. I didn’t want to just say Biden is great because there is so much suffering being caused by the cited order by his administration.

It’s this long and I’m not sure one of you has even read the whole thing. No one reads shit around here. Ok, no one is required to, but if you’re going to argue about something then you should read.


are contradictory.

Saying Biden sucks less is not the same as saying he’s great. I don’t think we’d been having this argument if you said Trump is overall worse on the border even though Biden is worse on some things. Instead, the way you have framed your point induces people to want to describe the ways they believe Biden is net better even if they concede specific points where Biden is worse. You create the perception that you’re someone who goes out of his way to avoid saying anything positive about Biden and posters here really want to argue with people who think that way.


When you say Ike’s lover’s, can you name them for clarity?


Yeah, I do that on purpose. His policy at the border is heinous. It is hard to say anything remotely positive about his overall immigration policy and it’s perfectly cromulent to preface any discussion about how Trump is worse with how bad Biden is.

I am pleased by this ad.

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I’ve got a free campaign ad idea for anyone on the Biden campaign who wants to use it.

Just a 30 second super cut of Trump yelling “It was unfair” or “It was rigged” and splice in clips of toddlers or young children yelling those same things during tantrums.


So Orange Man Bad is the Democratic messaging for 2024, it’s reassuring to see that Dems have learned and will learn absolutely nothing.

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while i agree the dem messaging is poor, i dont think it’s entirely fair to say this.

the only thing the permeates the media is “orange man bad”/“dem guy old”. dems would love to push their accomplishments, but even the dems react that it’s not enough and downplay them.

I’m personally in favor of all OMB all the time in new and creative ways. I think everyone should know that voting for Trump would be a shameful personal stain. That said, note that the ad is only 50% OMB and, eg, talks about lower healthcare costs and going after evil corporations. Also, there are degrees of OMB. This isn’t just saying he’s an asshole, it’s saying he’s a criminal.

Also, this isn’t some ad made for YouTube, it’s got like an $80M spend behind it and is going to swing states.

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I think there’s a lot of value in negative campaigning, but we’ve reached the point of diminishing returns with Trump. Everyone knows he’s a felon, you don’t have to advertise that. People don’t know that Biden signed one of the biggest climate change bills in history because Dems refuse to campaign on stuff like that. Imagine a McDonalds commercial where 80% of the ad is trashing Burger King, no one markets consumer products that way except the Democratic Party.


Although to be fair they learned this was a good way to defeat an incumbent president which not trivial task so can’t blame them too much for going back to a proven winner

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There are still significant numbers of people who don’t know that much about the case and need to be educated about what it means that’s he’s a felon.

But if Burger King is selling literal shit between two slices of bread it’s hard to resist the lure of, “Listen, maybe our McDonald’s burgers are overpriced and 1/3 smaller than a decade ago, but our competition is literally selling shit! Download our app for 5% off.”

Dems just need better artists for their diss tracks, IMO

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