Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Hilarious how all the idiots were protecting you Ikes because they thought you had changed so much…man how funny that they were so certain that they wouldn’t even believe it was you…and now they are seeing how you’re the same old Ikes in the Israel thread on SPE.


My apologies. It was the sentence after next.

Micro biden is pushing for increased refugees/asylum, preserves daca, doesn’t do mass deportation, doesn’t do religious tests, won’t discriminate like Trump against black and hispanic countries, has a pathway to citizenship for people who are undocumented. There’s more, but the horse is already dead at this point.

It is moronic to say it’s about the same as Trump on the border.

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This flies in the face of the facts.

I’m some cases? Sure. But in the big case for most of the asylum seekers? No. Biden admin is worse than the Trump admin which used COVID as a reason to deny that group of people asylum.

This isn’t about the border and I talked about this.

What was I thinking? You couldn’t have read this far.

Biden’s proposal has exemptions, Trumps basically didn’t. This is what happens when you get your opinions copying edgy dumbass leftists online. They are not the same on the border.


The rule was first mentioned in early January as part of a wider announcement by the administration to let in 30,000 migrants a month from four countries — Haiti, Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua — provided they apply to come to the U.S. and don’t just arrive at the border. In the ensuing weeks, the administration said migrant encounters from those countries plummeted, and they’ve hailed it as a model for dealing with immigration.

Trump would not have done this.

He cares about appeasing Fox News viewers, he doesn’t give a wet fart about public opinion. Abortion rights poll extremely well, Trump isn’t going to pivot to being a pro-choice candidate.


There are like 100000 people who are fucked on the border who walked from Venezuela etc and don’t meet this exemption. That’s the real world.

Classic Ike’s -

misread point poster is making

Tell the poster they are wrong

Gets pointed out that they didn’t read or understand the posters point

Double and triple down

Please never ban him, it’s one of the few things that keeps this board entertaining.

Jeez, I wonder why the USA wants people who apply in country, wait a year or so, and then take an airplane to leave in particular Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba and not people who walked. Head scratcher.

I know Ikes won’t get this, so this post is for everyone else. Asylum for people who lost property to any kind of nationalization or opposed leftist governments has been USA policy since WW2. This is generally the wealthy class which knows how to and can afford to use the system and then fly here. Peasants who most likely don’t know about these rules, can’t use the systems in their country, and just walk? Fuck them. That’s the current Biden asylum policy.

My issue isn’t whether or not I find this to be my preferred policy… it’s not. It is still not the same as Trumps, and saying otherwise is only something you can say from listening to too much Chapo.

Good lord.

I’ve listened to Chapo less than two minutes total.

Micro you posted a link that made my point for me, and are trying to limit immigration policy that affects the border as not the border so you can do the “Biden is the same as Trump schtick”. They aren’t the same.

I didn’t just concede your point about Biden not being the same as Trump, that was the fucking central point of my post that you couldn’t get more than once sentence through.

Perfect diagnosis.

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hot dog cannon

Edit: Damn, now I want a hot dog.

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This is a goalpost shift, though. As far as I can tell your disagreement is over whether Trump and Biden are different on border policy, and this seems like one instance where Biden is better than Trump, even if it doesn’t solve the entire set of issues at the border.