Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

This is a pretty dumb argument and not at all the same thing.

If itā€™s okay for you to retain excess wealth, why is it not okay for a group (e.g. citizens of a nation) to behave in a way that preserves its excess wealth?

Iā€™m sure you can make some kind of argument for ā€œopen borders is the only morally correct positionā€ but you will find ~zero people living their lives in the kind of fashion that such logic would dictate.

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I know things got weird all over world during COVID so not sure where things stand now, but whatā€™s the top 5 rich countries with best current (today) approach to borders/immigration?

I think my personal moral struggle with the issue of immigration is that I believe we should have a much more expansive safety net and set of social programs than we currently do. And I donā€™t think that is doable without restricting those benefits to citizens of the United States, and with that comes stricter border controls.

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If you donā€™t believe a Biden 2nd term is the best, next spot for positive immigration reform Iā€™d love to hear when the next one will be.

37 candidates assassinated in a single presidential campaign. One instance of substantial violence and all of this is for naught. I wouldnā€™t rule out some Eric Prince wannabe creating a situation.

Not even getting into the massive hypocrisy of allies having stricter border controls than USA.

ā€œIf you like taxes so much why donā€™t you donate all your money to the governmentā€


Hyperbole, maybe. Not literally 100% of people who think immigration is a problem and want cruel immigration enforcement methods will vote Trump. But I think heā€™s got that market pretty well cornered and I donā€™t think Biden has many gettable voters in that cohort, and Iā€™m a bit surprised that thatā€™s a controversial statement here.

These guys are setting themselves to be gobsmacked when Biden looks sharp in the debate. Just like they were in 2020.

If Biden drools all over himself, itā€™s been a nice run America.


I have an entire chapter in my book where I argue we should just issue work visas to pretty much everyone in Honduras who wants one and isnā€™t covered with face tattoos.

Most of them donā€™t even want to stay. They want to work in the US for a few years, then roll back into their village like a big shot. At least the rural economic migrants. Iā€™m guessing the migrants fleeing gang violence in the cities will be more inclined to stay.

I havenā€™t done a deep dive into every country like I did with Honduras, but Iā€™d be willing to extend that to all of Latin America.

We issue a quarter million migrant work visas to Mexico, and we almost never have Mexicans trying to sneak in or claiming asylum. Until recently, that number for Honduras was like 100. They US is trying to issue more work visas to Honduras, which even started under the Trump admin (while simultaneously screaming MS-13 is coming to rape your daughters). But the system is too hard for most ordinary Hondurans to navigate, and seen as only for the well off.

I do think it gets a little weird when you mix religions. People are fucking stupid when it comes to religion. So I could see where a European country might not want to have a flood of a million Muslim refugees at once. But the US doesnā€™t have to worry about that. We have an ocean to cross. So we generally only get the middle class/professional Muslims, who assimilate as well as anyone.

In short, I believe the US could basically have open immigration policies like we did at the turn of the century (except skip the Chinese Exclusion Act this time) and it would be nothing but a huge economic boost.

I just hope he brings the heat. Roast this mfker so bad Paul Ryan feels bad for him.

Trump may have the market cornered on people for whom immigration is their #1 priority, but immigration is regrettably unpopular in lots of cohorts, like, even among recent immigrants.

If you want to quibble about the political strategy of Bidenā€™s move here, you could perhaps quibble that this move might shore up his support among people already solidly in his camp while risking alienating the fringe he needs to win, but at the same time, I have little doubt that this position is much more popular than the one of the leftist fringe, even if I think that the leftist position is morally right.

Immigration is such a touchy issue that even progressive pols are going to be loathe to take progressive stances on it. From where Iā€™m sitting, I think the work has to be in convincing the average Joe that immigration is actually good, and convincing so many of them that Republicans are hesitant to be hardline immigration opponents. Politicians arenā€™t going to lead on the issue.


Like this. Just like this.

The best moment of Tuesdayā€™s debate was also the least scripted. Fed up by President Trumpā€™s constant interruptions only 18 minutes in, former vice president Joe Biden turned to him, exasperated, and said, ā€œWill you shut up, man?ā€

Itā€™s not the first time Bidenā€™s gender has given him more options for fighting back or criticizing the president. In 2018, Biden was speaking at a rally against sexual violence, and he recalled the infamous ā€œAccess Hollywoodā€ tape of Trump saying that he grabs women by the genitals. ā€œIf we were in high school, Iā€™d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him,ā€ Biden said.

I agree with this

But I donā€™t agree with this. I admit that Iā€™m probably out of touch with the shitlib suburb brunch crowd but I donā€™t think this move gains much support at all because youā€™ve gotta be both politically aware enough to understand this change and red-pilled enough to think itā€™s a good thing. Most normies will just shrug.

I guess you could argue the people being alienated are already alienated by Joeā€™s support of killing Palestinian civilians with US weapons so maybe itā€™s a +0 -0 situation and weā€™re back at baseline, which still means itā€™s needlessly cruel.

Thereā€™s always the possibility that Joe isnā€™t doing this out of political calculus and is just a typical racist boomer, whichā€¦ well, I donā€™t have any evidence to refute that so :man_shrugging:

No evidence, lol. This country deserves Trump.

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Yeah, perhaps so. But I maintain that a political candidate failing you on one or more issues is not cause to give up entirely on that candidate, that party, or that political system. Itā€™s cause to keep fighting. The best way forward is to choose the best options you can at every opportunity you can every time you can, and sometimes that means proceeding with a bad status quo rather than taking one or many steps backwards.

To want to change the world for the better is to be knowingly playing a losing game. Youā€™re expecting/demanding/hoping powerful people end up having less power, whether itā€™s yielded or taken, and thatā€™s not going to happen every time or even most times. If you want to hitch your wagon to groups of people who want to use violence, thereā€™s little hope in their success that anything ends up actually better. If youā€™re choosing non-violence, youā€™re going to lose a whole lot of the time. For me, Iā€™ll take occasional incremental progress and a lot of frustration over either throwing my hat in with violent revolutionaries or eternal despair the first time I donā€™t get what I want.


Only in your imagination

Imagine thinking Hokie is the reason this country deserves trump.

There also is some evidence that Biden was pretty racist as a younger politician. The school bussing thing and the corn pop story both come to mind.

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Which would be true for every poster here, under the microscope.

Also, the post says no evidence of him not being a typical racist boomer. Thatā€™s ridiculous.

The bussing take has been discussed so many times, not sure why you would think that needs to be pointed out.

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Imagine drawing this ridiculous conclusion just to score message board points.

Also, please add an N to your name for accuracy.