Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Me and micro probably have the most similar views on immigration and I can’t stand that Biden did this. It would not change my vote because it was obvious Biden would not do what he needs to do on immigration, and as micro said, this is something that both sides have a lot of issues with. If you were going in expecting Biden to be much better than Trump on immigration, you made a mistake. He may be more humane, but he’s still going to be terrible like Obama was. Cruelty is not the point under Biden, but he’s still unnecessarily cruel.


If you haven’t met him I’m not sure how you can make any of these judgments. I’m sick of it!


Yeah, I think this is literally true. Biden may or may not be actually worse for the people at the border (and in this case he is), but the Dems want/need to present it as tough but fair or something. For Trump it was just politically advantageous to play up overt cruelty, just like it is for Abbott and the big orange razor wire balls in the Rio Grande.

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Biden is a political chameleon. Dude has been all over the map his whole career. It makes him a good politician. But maybe not a good one if you want more than the status quo/current popular opinion.

Good one!


Some of that was William Walker, who was a filibuster - which means private citizen who takes over a place, then hopes the US govt will move in and make it legit (like in Hawaii). Walker took over Nicaragua, part of Baja, and I think Panama in separate adventures, until the British finally caught him and had him executed in Honduras.

Roosevelt did send in the marines to Nicaragua in 1918 or something to secure US interests. They tapped the Somoza dynasty to lead on their way out in the 30s.

And of course the US engineered the coup that led Panama to become independent from Columbia so that they could have control over the Canal Zone.

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Thx. Did not know that. As Norm would say, this William Walker was a real jerk.


Biden will get no credit from “moderates” for this. It just reinforces the idea that immigration is bad and we have a problem that must be solved with increasingly cruel methods. Anyone who thinks that is already voting Trump.


Open borders is the only morally defensible position. Any other model assumes it is morally justifiable to keep some people poor simply because they had the bad luck of being born where you were not.


LOL Biden. Classic Dems own goal situation.

This is pretty obviously false.

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This is nuts. We could get into polling if you want but one of the best examples are union dems. They’re solidly dem, and they aren’t for large scale immigration at all. Truly open immigration policies are supported by 10, maybe 20% of the country.

I’m looking hard at hokie’s post and can’t find anything about “truly open immigration” in there.

I don’t disagree that some Democrats want

which is what hokie actually said.

I am quite comfortable asserting that a decent chuck of Democrats support increasing levels of cruelty for reducing immigration, especially using your own definition of cruelty, which considers forced deportations to be cruel (centrist Dems may not consider this cruel per se, but they support it).

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How about if you just use things like people having walked from Guatemala to the United States while Biden was promising to undo Title 42 because it was cruel only to have him ban them from even applying for asylum when they got there? Is that cruel?

And then there are the detention facilities.

And yeah, I think rounding people up and deporting them is cruel, but you don’t need that “especially” definition at all for Democrats to deliver on cruelty.


Sure. I’m not quibbling with your definition at all.


I don’t want to just shit on Biden as far as the comparison goes anyway. Global warming is a pretty big thing and Biden may not be great on that 100% of the time (100% tariff on Chinese EVs for example), but he’s not that bad and Trump really could not be worse. And it’s a pretty big deal. And then there’s the SCOTUS and women’s and lgbtq+ rights are big differences. But on immigration and largely on crime and punishment generally and on war generally the Dems and Biden are mostly horrible.


New WSJ hit piece

It goes on

Meh, it is. Or are you giving all of your excess wealth above the poverty line to charity each year?

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That’s the first article I can remember like that, and it seems like it’s sourced from republicans exclusively

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