Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

They have an app now that’s basically a lottery with a few asylum interview slots opening up at 8am every morning. They want people to wait in Mexico and keep trying until they get in through the app.

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He’s trying to appeal to the media to change how they report on immigration.

Didn’t we win the Mexican-American war? Should have just annexed then and called it “Spanish-America”.

Problem solved.

Then the “problem” would just be at the southern Mexican border. Hardly any of these migrants are Mexican.

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We kinda did that? There’s a reason it’s called New Mexico.

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And it’s also Arizona, Nevada, Utah and California. We took more than 1/2 of what was Mexico.

From what I remember in school we were just taught there was a conflict in Texas or something and that started a war we won. It was a little surprising to learn that we invaded and went all the way to Mexico City.

I ran several simulations in Victoria 3 and it was a big mistake not continuing to push south to get control of rubber, coffee and dye plantations


It was a bit of a delay, but the USA invaded Central America in 1898 (and then again a bunch of times in the early 20th Century).

It doesn’t sound too unreasonable.

What doesn’t sound unreasonable? Sending a bunch of people with guns to kidnap people and dump them somewhere? Sounds unreasonable to me.

eta: The not passing through a 3rd country? OMG, that’s ridiculous. And that was after 10s of thousands of people had already done it and were camped at the border hoping.

I mean, fuck, that was a crime against humanity. Trump had started Title 42 to stop asylum cases because of COVID and Biden promised to undo that for humanitarian reasons and then on the fucking day he repealed it he said essentially none of those people could apply for asylum anyway. Real real piece of shit move.

Once again, I was not being serious.

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Do you actually think this is a fair description of what’s happening?

Yes, I do.

Ok. I’ll try and provide some thoughts this evening, but I suspect that we are going to be too far apart in our view of the situation for it to be productive. Edit, that statement strikes me as having about the same level of accuracy as “taxation = theft,” which is why I’m. Not optimistic, but I could be wrong.

a Total and Complete Shut Down of the Southern Border until we figure out what the Hell is Going On


I understand how few people agree with that. But, the changing rules so the people waiting at the border couldn’t apply for asylum was heinous by any standard. I can’t imagine anyone thinking that was ok unless they just despise those people or are just not facing it because they think it’s some kind of Treason to talk bad about Biden.

If that’s the part you were describing as reasonable, then yeah, we might be too far apart to discuss this.

Micro believes in having truly open borders, so any effort to thwart immigration is going to be seen by him as immoral and a crime against humanity.

Whether you believe in open borders or not, it’s heinous to not even let the people who were there camped at the border apply for asylum. It’s something that the Democrats were roundly vilifying Trump for doing one day before Biden started doing it.