Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

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man i’ll bet biden will be able to pull those 4 independent/swing voters that hate immigrants but were other wise considering voting Dem now. great policy plan.

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46% of Democrats want to increase deportations of people who are in the country illegally.

It’s probably good politics for Biden to have a heinous policy here.

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Seems like that ought to violate international law or something. Not that the US ever follows international laws.

Could be, but most countries are horrible on immigration and asylum.

in that same link 85% of democrats prefer creating a pathway to citizenship if they are already here illegally. and 84% say make it easier for asylum seekers. so that doesn’t seem to track. im not reading the study but i wonder how the wording changes to get those numbers.

these are people being denied the ability to claim asylum.

Asylum seekers are legally supposed to declare at the border, not after they crossed. Law and Order Dems can think both that it should be easier to do legally, but people who cross illegally should get sent back.

The first part is a bit of a contradiction though. I think people imagine people who have been here for a long time vs people who just crossed and asked for asylum, but shrug. Polling is usually at least somewhat messed up.

but then how does that track with the 85% wanting a pathway to citizenship is my question. certainly that pathway doesn’t include deportation.

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edited to add that already

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I would guess there are a lot of undocumented people who have been in the U.S. for some time and aren’t seeking asylum.

As far as the decision is politics, I think it’s more that Biden thinks that anyone mad about immigration has to vote blue no matter who and he won’t lose many votes by trying to just be, or at least sound, less cruel than Trump. And he would lose more votes the more the claims of being an insane open borders maniac stick.

i will say that i’m pleasantly surprised that those polls show 85% of dems want a pathway to citizenship. at least there is some hope for the humanity of the party

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What can he actually think and want? I have a hard time imagining he actually thinks deporting these people would be good for anyone. So, must be a political calculation. I guess I’m in the “he’s not stupid and addled with dementia crowd”, but shrug.

Yeah, some of the polling is not horrible, and I think it’s improved. A lot of it comes down to how a question is asked.

It’s bad policy and the calculation seems to be that this is what he needs to do for now to have a good enough chance of staying in power. Plus maybe thinking there is some chance that this gets held up in court or reversed.

Sounds like you think it’s a temporary measure just for this election. I don’t think that’s right. Biden made it more difficult/impossibe for most of the people waiting at the border to apply for asylum more than a year ago, well before election season.

You’re right that I’m not entirely up to speed here, but I thought he was doing a new more expansive order now.

Yeah the LA Times comment section generally hates Trump and skews liberal. But any immigration thing and everyone turns into WE MUST SECURE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER. It’s really depressing.

It doesn’t help that the MSM makes it sound like 10,000 MS-13 members come streaming over the border every day.