Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

I believed there is a strong relationship between physical health and mental acuity. Clearly not one to one, but active people that can ride backs probably don’t have major brain issues.


I suspect that, among the elderly, banging is probably more highly correlated with mental acuity than bike riding.

I agree with this too, but I was focusing more on the latter part. I’m sure there are olds who are mentally sharp yet sedentary and other olds who are physically active, but have a lot of memory issues. Nevertheless, I do think (like you) that while such things are possible, mental and physical health are correlated.

Hmmm who to vote for this November?

Joe “Foot Long” Biden

Donald “Mushroom Head” Trump


Do you read this forum? You’re plenty welcome to criticize Biden and lots of people here do. What’s happening is some fairly mild pushback to some dumb criticism.

There’s lots of fact based things you can criticize Biden for, and, afaik, there’s not even anonymously sourced Biden is demented stuff coming out

You are absolutely and totally wrong. Old demented people bang. Ain’t never seen one bike

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What point is there in criticizing Biden’s age now? The slate is set. It’s either gonna be Trump or Biden. If you want to make a case that Trump is the better choice then go for it

That could be. As I said, it was just a suspicion. I’d love for someone to do a study on this.

Not too long ago, my uncle, who isn’t as sharp as he once was, fell off his bike and family made him stop riding. I’m like 99% sure he wasn’t banging anyone at the time.

This is a politics discussion group and his age and fitness will be at the forefront of the public conversation surrounding this campaign for the next few months. It would be silly to not discuss it.


Is someone here saying he is demented or is this another inability to read the words people are actually writing?

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I’m sorry no one is buying the attempt at semantics

Woah dude I can’t believe you went there how dare you. Jk I can read unlike some other posters


I read this as Biden being demented


My takeaway is maybe I’ll fix up my bike for summer.

You could have just taken the easy way out and had a lot of sex, but you’re not afraid of a challenge! Nice.


Jury selection is done in the Hunter Biden trial. Can’t wait to see the hawt takes when the verdict comes in. Bonus points if it comes in just before the first Biden/Trump debate

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Careful, people around here get furious if you throw precise definitions of words at them.


What the fuck