Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

But now imagine Cannon was a Democrat and was that far out of bounds. SCOTUS would have the 6-3 decision out in 24 hours removing her from the bench. Unless Alito and Thomas dissented, writing that she should instead be jailed.

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Sheā€™s from Columbia like Merchan, so she better watch her step.

Thing is, when Democrats are that corrupt or do something reprehensible we (other Democrats) call them out on it cuz we havenā€™t lost every crumb of our decency

i thought this prior to menedez and cuellar, but iā€™m not so sure now. people are both less concerned with ā€œtheir teamā€™s corruptionā€ now and annoyed with how the Franken stuff played out.

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Right, Dems are still predominantly Vote Blue No Matter Who. Cuellar was a known piece of shit yet people thought heā€™d be a good Speaker becauseā€¦ Texas ?

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short one by Daniel Day-Lewisā€™s dad Cecil, who among other things was the poet laureate of the UKā€¦


They who in folly or mere greed
Enslaved religion, markets, laws,
Borrow our language now and bid
Us to speak up in freedomā€™s cause.

It is the logic of our times,
No subject for immortal verseā€”
That we who lived by honest dreams
Defend the bad against the worse.


Every day that passes I become more sure There Will Be Blood is the greatest movie ever.


2007 was so fucking good for film: no country for old men, michael clayton, zodiac, ratatouille, the diving bell and the butterfly, the assassination of jesse james, the king of kong, 4 months 3 weeks 2 days, the counterfeiters, lars and the real girl, 3:10 to yuma, knocked up, superbad, even die hard IV & order of the phoenix, so many more. I keep insufferable lists about this stuff and had 37 movies that year down for at least a thumbs up, itā€™s arguably right there with 1939 as the best year in film history. But TWBB was my favorite too.


Can you list your 37 thumbs ups?

Parody/language advisory


This isnā€™t that funny because we are drawing live to it actually happening on the other side when Trump wins.

If I couldnā€™t imagine nuclear war Dr. Strangelove wouldnā€™t be funny but I can and it is.


hey I dont want to derail more with my dumb lists but if youā€™re actually interested:

2007 films

in alphabetical order

300, 1408, 3:10 to Yuma, 4 Months 3 Weeks and 2 Days, Across the Universe, American Gangster, The Assassination of Jesse James, Atonement, Away From Her, Before the Devil Knows Youā€™re Dead, Beowulf, Bourne Ultimatum, Charlie Wilsonā€™s War, The Counterfeiters, Die Hard IV, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Eastern Promises, Enchanted, For the Bible Tells Me So, HP5 The Order of the Phoenix, I Am Legend, Into the Wild, Juno, King Corn, The King of Kong, Knocked Up, Lars and the Real Girl, Michael Clayton, No Country For Old Men, Note By Note: The Making of Steinway L1037, The Mist, Oceans Thirteen, Once, The Orphanage, Paris Je Tā€™Aime, Persepolis, Ratatouille, Sicko, Simpsons Movie, Superbad, Sweeney Todd, There Will Be Blood, Waitress, Zodiac

I said 37 but added seven more that at the time were close call thumbs downs, since that was a million years ago and I was routinely three negronis deep so who knows.

looking at that list today I have mixed feelings about half of them, but the other half feels solid, and a bunch are dynamite. It was an outstanding year. And not to mention that Trolly or someone with a lot better taste than mine could tack on another twenty without breaking a sweat.

but donā€™t get me wrong, a lot of other movies that year were not for me! For example one 2007 movie memory was that I went to see Transformers with a couple of special needs folks, and after the movie one of them had a terrifying, fullblown seizure in the lobby, that in time I came to understand as one of the shrewdest reviews in the history of human commentary


I was wondering about that year because it was right on the edge of when the industry cratered (2008 was rushing everything out that wasnā€™t delayed til 2010). I wanted to see how many of those I was a part of. I was probably whittling down to about 5 percent of getting on ā€˜any movieā€™ list at that time, but it looks like I exceeded 10 percent on your list. I did stuff for Bourne, HP5, The Mist, and Oceanā€™s 13 (canā€™t remember what I did for Oceanā€™s 13 but pretty sure I did something). I know I was on 11 and 12, but canā€™t quite remember 13.

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The current President is not protecting people fromā€¦ the executive branch. I really thought posters here had basic political literacy, but I was wrong.

He hasnā€™t ā€œnot done enough to protectā€ heā€™s the guy they need protection from! Why do you think he doesnā€™t control the border apparatus? Do you think itā€™s magic or coincidence that the border apparatus is now more efficient and brutal than under Trump? Itā€™s like a separate entity that Biden tries to fight against, but just doesnā€™t have the bandwidth to fight fully??

Your vote for Biden harms people here and abroad more than a vote for Trump. Thatā€™s objective data. But I donā€™t stoop to calling you a fascist.

Not true. The chain link camps are gone. Millions are being let in, let out on bail or whatever. You should probably pay attention to how badly MAGA wants to make conditions more restrictive and how likely Trump will appoint those people to positions of power.

True, despite your incredulity. Itā€™s also true for every agency. MAGAā€™s name for the phenomenon is ā€œThe Deep Stateā€.