Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

As I said before I don’t think engaging with you on this is useful to either of us, but I want to point out that my post was mimicking the style of the post to which I was responding, which appeared to be an imagined back-and-forth between two people who disagree on this issue. So in my little skit, the person who is encouraging a Biden vote is being called a fascist, in case there was confusion on that.

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Oh my bad. If I read that I forgot about it

Pretty aolid list outside of Die Hard IV

What do you think will happen to US military support for Ukraine if Trump wins?

Pretty sure AQ is on the team that thinks that if Russia just gets to rape and pillage Ukraine, everyone will be better off, and that the Ukrainians are only fighting back because the US is forcing them to, at least to the extent that he has a position at all.

I’m sure the average Palestinian will be much better off under Trump’s pro-genocide policy, too. It’s not like Trump actually abided by his rhetoric of avoiding foreign intervention last time, but hey, he might be telling the truth this time!

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I honestly think he’s just trolling, I do think that Biden basically gets to do a lot of stuff that trump would also do without same pushback is an ok point in some ways but it obviously doesn’t account for what trumps folks would like and try to do in a 2nd term that Biden isn’t doing currently and wouldn’t do


This is, of course, obvious bullshit, too. People are out in the streets protesting Biden’s foreign policy right now!

Sure agreed on that policy but AQ was indicating more like immigration policy where Biden gets a pass while being nearly as bad


I have never ignored this. Everyone just pretends like I haven’t directly addressed this. I thought you wouldn’t hop on that bandwagon, and I’m disappointed

Ok point taken then my fault

You of course realize that I said one candidate faces more effective resistance than the other. But it’s easier for you to argue with a telephone game where you say you heard “one candidate receives zero pushback”

Meant to put this here

lol. We’ve watched Biden’s position Israel cool in real time. You think Trump gives two fucks about what some Columbia students have to say? The protests are absolutely more effective on a Biden administration than a Trump one.

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You really are a terrible person.

As someone who lives in a neighboring country to Russia, I definitely feel like the US election is more important to me personally than ever. I REALLY don’t want Ukraine to lose, both for moral and egotistical reasons. It’s really completely and utterly absurd to say that Trump’s foreign policy is somehow better than Biden’s.

Also, just fucking IMAGINE what Trump would do if there was a 9/11-level terror attack in the US? LOL at thinking he’d be all non-interventionalist. He’d be bombing as much as he could!


Yea dude would be thinking of nukes 100%

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He’s be thinking about how he could use the threat of nukes to get his hands on some Saudi oil money.