Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

She said

I wouldn’t be surprised. I mean it’s not because of political reasons really really, some people are trying to blame it on Palestine politics or something. In reality DSA has been going through a financial crisis for a while and basically is running out of funds to pay staff because a lot of members weren’t being held accountable for paying dues

I replied

Are they not paying dues because of political division or just not paying you think?

No money in socialism. Everyone is solid.


Considering that DSA does much more in their communities than you know, as well as other things you don’t see on your random occasional Twitter scroll, I’m gonna go with you’re talking out of your ass and should probably stop. But I’m sure you’ll continue with left bashing keep it up you’re definitely helping bigly

Uh huh sure. Meanwhile, I don’t ever do shit in my community. In fact, I just literally shit it in over and over again

Or is it a death by a thousand cuts keeping the status quo of this systemically racist and 2 tiered judicial system where the well connected are protected and the dirty poors are bound?

“The luxury of a leisurely approach to urgent solutions — the ease of gradualism — was forfeited by ignoring the issues for too long,”


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She replied to that

Just not paying
It has been a problem for a while but recently became more public
Also it’s mostly that dsa had way too high expenses

So, that’s my theory about why they’ve lost membership regardless of what the “serious people” are saying.

Some of those people still have energy, they’re just not here.


He got got when his message became too powerful and would help too many people. Killing great leaders is how the power structure resets because people follow leaders not causes. They hope to disperse the cause by killing the leader. There isn’t a chance leaders at that level couldn’t have plots foiled, but they do nothing to stop them.

Covid put a delay on a lot of bad outcomes with an outpouring of free money. It would have gotten really ugly if that hadn’t happened. We are just not near a revolt right now in conditions.

Probably because they all got banned :man_shrugging:

I stopped paying DSA dues in 2018. The national hierarchy is basically entirely a scam, on the same level as Shaun King. Calling that “high expenses” is a pretty kind way to put it

They still haven’t paid anyone who was disabled at Charlottesville in 2017 with the seven-figure fundraising they did off of Heather Heyer’s name.

The local/regional chapters are (were?) mostly pretty great, with a pattern of problems accross some of the largest cities. Careerists and opportunists. Generally the smaller the place, the fewer the other leftist mutual aid groups existed, and DSA became the default for a while during the organizing boom. The local chapters focused on stuff that directly helped their communities, and national sucked money off of them and then began exerting power to stop all those serve the people initiatives and city council successes with dead end state and national electoralism.

In hindsight, this was all predictable given that the Democrat power structure that founded DSA never really got eradicated at the national level

The local chapter paid for my criminal lawyer in 2020, so that was nice.

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Still trying to figure out what “shit it in” means.

Please argue without bringing up unrelated personal details.

How about you fucking ban people for talking shit about their disabled wife? The fuck is wrong with this place?

I wasn’t aware of the reference - thought it was just some dumb shot. Wichita gets a week.

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Fair enough, sorry for getting heated.

Just curious… Was it for repeatedly calling someone an idiot? He was so flagrant about it I thought it was ok to do now

No - it went beyond that and involved a personal attack on someone’s family.