Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

If they don’t want to be broke they should probably start lobbying for the interests of rich people. Morons.


It’s probably a better measure of how representative they are of DSA thought than saying they are a caucus of 30 out of 80,000 members.

Probably, but that’s a huge gap and how much better is unclear and how much this has to do with “American Leftists” is… not very much. If you are trying to slowly shift the goal post until Ikes doesn’t sound dumb, this is going to take a while.

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Maybe when we have a single world government that can track all movement but let’s people go wherever.

We’re never going to have a single world government, but freedom is more important than what government you are the subject of. Dunno why a single government would especially have to track you, but the days of being untracked are gone anyway unless you live off grid in the wilderness.

Just to be clear, are you arguing that the DSA went broke because they didn’t cater to rich morons, and not because their membership fell by about 30% while they fought each other over stupid shit and functioned with little to no reserves?

I have no idea. Not being a Ben Shapiro listener I never hear anything about the DSA.

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I wouldn’t be surprised if their membership didn’t go down mostly because of complacency. I know donations to reproductive rights have gone down a lot. Part of my work gets funding in that stream. It’s harder to organize on the Left or even Liberal side without the Orange Man in charge.

If you don’t know anything about something, sure is weird that you keep commenting about it.

I know shit about the things you post because I can read and I know how to look stuff up. This has gotten beyond your ability to understand, but everything I’ve claimed has been just based on those things, other than what I just clearly expressed as speculation. Beyond your abilities to understand, so I expect you to just come back with phrase/cliche that you’ve seen someone else say that barely even makes sense in the conversation like:

Will it get better, stay the same, or worse if it gets burned down now?

Fixing what you want how you want to do it will harm millions more to get there. On the incremental path fewer people get harmed while keeping others at least near their current status.

I just see no practical solutions from you and some others that dont harm millions more than are already being harmed.

Medicare at 50 would be a good first start

Weird, because you can look up stuff and see how the DSA lost 30% of their membership and find lots of takes on it. LMK when you get a chance to look into this.

Love hearing about how stupid the organizations are that are trying to do something in this country to help, you are definitely someone we should listen to about DSA and the left I’m sure

A couple of implemented policies will change that but those take years to implement

I have also noticed less energy on the Left, starting with this forum. AQ and MB are still badasses, but progs and libs seem less enthusiastic about the Left.

Don’t lie Ikes. How did this DSA tweet come to your attention?

My daughter was a delegate or something. Maybe still is. Dunno. I’ll ask.

I’m not a badass. Just calling ikes a dumbo.

Are they trying to help? Or are they enshittifying themselves into a narrower and narrower faction as they add more and more purity tests?

By the Twitter algorithm, don’t even follow this guy. There’s no shortage of dunking on them either from online normie lefties