Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Without BO’s charisma or someone safe like Joe the “swing” soccer moms or whoever aren’t going to turn out for the Ds.

That’s completely off base. The voters you describe are as turned out as possible to vote against Trump.

Which is his only redeeming quality

This is where we differ.

You obviously don’t like or support Trump so is your argument his winning will somehow destroy the system?

My biggest concern is we are drawing live to a Putin-style US where Trump or his family are in power for decades.

I find it hard to see the other side of the destroyed system.

I often wonder how much of Obama’s electoral success is his much praised charisma and how much of it was simply offering hope of access to health care for millions of Americans that desperately needed it. My speculation is that just offering to have the government provide things that people desperately need is what makes Dems win. The Republicans are going to call them socialists anyway.

I’ve posted this like 5 times the past few days, but there’s no need for any kind of blowup of any system for a Trump administration to result in immediate harm reduction for the most vulnerable people in and around this country.

His evil is less efficient, is not rubber stamped, and comes with a comprehensive resistance from grassroots orgs, NGOs and nonprofits, media, and local/state politicians that literally change policy and de facto policy on everything from cash bail abolition, to tenant protection, to wall building slowdown, all where the rubber meets the road.

Biden’s evil is efficient and rubber stamped.

Ok but how do you reconcile the Putin-style system where Trump never leaves.

Like I’m not necessarily saying you specifically are doing this on purpose, but this is effectively a strawman that is always trotted out when I am arguing within the confines of our broader system. Everyone trots out “but what will happen when there’s an instant vanishing of the state? That’s what you’re posting about, even though it’s clearly not what you’re posting about.” All because I correctly point out that the longterm centuries long goal is obviously a dismantling of the state, and all because y’all steadfastly refuse to admit the “what is the replacement” strawman is literally answered by the processes I, a dumbass layman, describe that you can read in detail from any of dozens of published experts but would rather shit post about it not existing

I’m not trying to strawman and I don’t totally disagree with your overall weighing of harm.

I do genuinely think there is a real possibility Trump will just never leave office and America will become a faux democracy. Surely this tips the harm scales some.

Is your position that this is not a real possibility?


This is insanity. He was last almost in 2020 and became first by people preferring him due to fear of Trump and the unknown of Bernie.

Bernie had a one on one debate with him and did not win it. He is Roper from The Great White Hype. His expectation was to be a bridge to the new GOP, a finger in the dam, but the old GOP stayed giving Biden and Dems election chances to win that were highly unlikely coming out of 2020. Biden has massively exceeded expectations regardless of whether you agree.


I got news for you. Once her bot left I have almost no awareness of her anymore. She’s not famous like she was.

Biden is a force for positive change in America and denying that is just dumb and nothing more. He is not simply better than Trump.

If you move your eyes outside America at all this is obviously not true. Compare his party to any number of actually progressive parties in the rest of the world.

The fuck does any other party in other countries have to do with shit? Biden is still making America better than what he found it four years ago.

Thanks for perfectly making my point.

Biden is like a punch in the mouth!

No biden is an obvious positive force in America.

That’s wrong, look at other progressive parties!

That’s irrelevant, Biden is still a positive force in America

You made my point!

Ok thanks Clovis. I’ll take the punch in the face of massive student loan reforms, rescheduling of marijuana, the massive ira and more thanks bud. Enjoy canada

Tell that to the half a million homeless and the roughly 60 million American citizens who are uninsured/underinsured.

Tell that to the overpoliced marginalized communities who deal with violence, crime and corrupt law enforcement on a daily basis.

Tell them from the comfortable position atop the social hierarchy, doctor.


Biden is not an omnipotent dictator capable of fixing all things wrong in America, nor did I say as much. I also didn’t say, “Biden and everything is perfect.” What I actually said is that Biden is a net positive for America.

Those problems existed before Biden, and Biden has actually done real work to try to make lots of those things better. Re-electing him with a solid democratic majority would make those problems better. Seems like we should do that.

The reality is that some of y’all care more about ideological purity than actually improving things, which makes the ‘Tell them from the comfortable position atop the social hierarchy, doctor’ super ironic to me. Some of you seem awfully blasé about the real world affects of shitting on and not voting for Biden for the communities you supposedly care about.