Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Maybe do a time slice with relevant statistics every 20 years for the last 2000 years and then complain about how bad things are in “late stage capitalism” under Joe Biden. All we need is a leader like Stalin, Mao, or Pol Pot–someone who really believes in change.

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Nice strawman out of left field, doesn’t even deserve a response.


This is a bit wtf.
Humans have GENERALLY got a little bit less shitty to each other over time. Things have taken a trending turn for the worse, so the argument is “Well it’s at least better than some of the absolute worst over 2000 yrs!”

Or you know you could look to literally any other western nation for a much stronger progressive political movement with functioning parties often in real power.

Or the Stalin thing I guess.

Biden is the best president in a long time but him and his party is the nut low for global progressive political parties.

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Yep, and if we are going to continue to succeed as a species it will be in despite of corruption and crony capitalism, not because of it.

There are some technological advancements that are coming out that are pretty incredible, we should be able to feed the world easily within the next 5 years.

We already could if we had the political will.

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What’s the argument that the UK Labour Party is more competent than Democrats?

The Steven pinker approach. Everything is better now than it used to be, therefore any complaints are invalid, you ungrateful poors


People be like, just make things better. Yeah, a 6-3 supreme court, filibuster, don’t have the house, about to lose the Senate. Where’s my progressive agenda? Your progressive agenda was murdered by Fox News. A nation cannot be much better than its people.

It’s a miracle Biden has done as much as he has.


Things aren’t trending worse lately. Poverty rates are at all time lows. It’s literally never been a better time to be a random human on earth than it is right now.

Not even true anymore

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This is only made possible by capitalism. Sorry chief


The moral arc of the universe thing was MLK making a rhetorical/spiritual plea/pep talk


We got some more centuries left of being a regressive, parasitic empire. Tough shit to anyone who cares about humanity

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His net effect isn’t, and I still insist that “he” being less bad is just y’all claiming insight to his secret heart

I still don’t think we have the right convo about capitalism/socialism or whatever.

I think we should look at it similar to wins above replacement.

About 10 years ago I sat next to a professor of demography(?). Pretty much the standard of living for the average human is an upward line with only big things like world wars causing any real temporary setbacks.

The argument that “from the perspective of someone on the left Biden is actually worse than Trump” is so dumb that if I didn’t know any better I’d assume it was parody.


What is the argument for that?

My position is this.

Biden is objectively better than Trump. Full stop. But this is like saying a punch is face is better than a gunshot wound.

However, from a pure tactics perspective, he is objectively terrible compared to a massive number of random other Democrats. He has no special characteristics in his favour other than he was “next” in the democratic system. His policies are boiler plate centre left stuff that could be carried by any other candidate who doesn’t have the massive baggage Biden has. He simply makes it more likely Trump will win.

Add to that, the reason I would struggle voting is the democrats are simply an awful progressive party. Compared to their international counterparts, they have to be the nut low. The would be right wing in many countries. They are also completely captured by big business.

The core problem is you have no actual centre of progressive, even moderate, left wing politics with any power in the US federal system. This is why AOC is so famous. She is even a part of the problem in that her cult of personality obscures the fact that she has no power. The right loves her as a boogeyman so they can scream “look at the left taking over” while in reality the minutely centre left democrats work to ensure there is never any real progressive change in the system.

At some point one has to question if voting dem is just supporting this system.

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