Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Here we go again threatening how bad things will get if you don’t get in line and vote for Biden, it’s exhausting.

Both parties are staggeringly corrupt and controlled by the interests of capital. Regardless of result the masters of the universe will continue their wealth extraction from the middle and lower classes with pinpoint precision and it will be with the tacit approval of whomever resides in the white house.

He’s a net positive for people in America who are comfortable with the status quo.

And if Trump wins, and things get worse for so many people here and abroad like we’ve been saying they will, you and your ilk are going to say “see, this is actually Biden’s fault for not being more progressive”. THAT is going to be exhausting.


For your perusal:

I, for one, think things like mass deportation and national abortion bans are super bad. You seem fine risking their rights, likely with no skin in the game. Sure seems like you’re pretty comfortable with your position in that future, or, more likely, you haven’t actually thought this through

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Never once did I say I wasn’t voting for the man, I’m fed up with the lack of options and not looking forward to being force fed another sandwich of dubious contents.

I’m sick of a Democratic Party that’s only redeeming feature is they are slightly less reprehensible than their GOP counterparts.


Of course it is a candidate’s fault for offering zero to the people who didn’t vote for them. Good lord.

I voted for Gore, in Palm Beach County for that matter.

That worked out well.

Maybe I’ll vote harder next time.

Dems showed their true colors and let the GOP steal the election while they still held the executive branch and just watched as the judicial handed the oval office to the masters they were beholden to.

You didn’t say shit when things got worse for people here and abroad under Biden. Curious.

Like I have to believe you just can’t convince yourself that things like the brutal border apparatus are real. Like there’s some psychological block there.

With all respect, and I mean that, you and I clearly have a different perspective on reality and I do not think discussing this with you will be fruitful. And with that I say good day, sir.


Can you exactly what those things were and how they were the fault of Biden?

Border patrol budget up about $800M under Biden. Removals and expulsions total in 2021 and 2022 were more than double 2020. Biden banned asylum applications from people who travel through another country. That’s a lot of people whose lives got worse.

We’ll see what the effects are of his very broad hawkish policy on China are, of which the new 100% tariff on electric vehicles is just a small part.

He’s better than Trump on most things, so don’t bother being an idiot and pretending I’m saying more than I did actually say.


People angry Biden isn’t far enough left but I think he is pretty far left of the American electorate. America’s left party isn’t more progressive because it’s voters aren’t receptive to more progressive ideas. I don’t think this will change an time in my lifetime


This is a truly remarkably ironic post, as aq and I are talking about things in general, and you come in with this at the end of your statement

Hey Idiot,

You asked for some things, like examples. I gave a couple. Not a big analysis of all things or claims about anything in the previous discussion. You asked for things. I responded to that. Man you’re stupid.

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Like to even respond to that post I was supposed to do a pros and cons of…everything??? Good lord.

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Let’s all remember back when I was making Biden is Better posts I lost a bet to micro that he wouldn’t expand the military budget.

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I take Dems over Labour in the UK and whatever the left party is in Israel.

Biden admin is better/less bad than I feared/expected overall. I expected worse than Obama and it’s probably been better than Obama.


I have no dog in this fight, but making statistical comparisons to 2020 should be avoided.

American Leftists are not serious people: