Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

I should clarify that my ranking wasn’t overall greatness, but limited from the perspective of his treatment of Native peoples. He has appointed more Native Americans to important positions in the Federal government than any other President, I believe. That is having real positive effects in the small world that I’m intimately involved in.


Hardly anyone “watches” the debates, but they will still see clips of them on whatever crap they use like Instagram/Tik Tok/FB etc.

Right so how is this a win? Those audiences are 100% segmented already. They will just be fed 15 second clips that support the existing tenor of their newsfeed.

Unless there is a massive gaff.

Lose lose. I guess best case is neutral lose?

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Very hard to compare such recent administrations - especially since at least one of Biden/Trump probably still has at least half their presidency ahead of them. While Trump is plenty drawing live to the WOAT (if he gets elected again) it would be very hard to rank GWB anywhere but the bottom of this list. He was real bad with almost no upside at all.

This is where I’m at. I think it’s good to have candidates go out in public and speak, but if we’re talking about how Biden can maximize his chance of election I don’t see a lot of upside here. Apparently we’re in the minority on that. Maybe I’m just whatever the opposite of sweet summer child is. Bitter cynical winter child.

Biden is a good president who has been doing a good job overall. Looking forward to having a trial before a Biden judge in a month. Very glad it’s not a Trump judge.

This is like saying someone is a great doctor because they are doing a good job treating your dry skin, sore elbow and periodic headaches while you bleed out from a massive gunshot wound to the chest he simply pretends isn’t there.

Except judges are 5x more important than whatever the concerns with Biden are.

I also think he’s doing great on foreign policy.

$1B more weapons going to kill civilians in Gaza despite the administration admitting US weapons have been used to kill civilians. Doing great!


lol the gunshot wound is the courts (at least partially). It’s also a total and utter failure to address anything from Jan 6 or to shore up the mechanism of democracy in any way.

Biden is the guy whose house is robbed again because he refused to fix the locks.


As long as Ukraine got 60 bil, I don’t care if Israel gets 0 or 5 billion. Their actions aren’t enhanced or limited by US funding.

I think it’s important to remember that the President isn’t a dictator (yet) so if the country has “a massive gunshot wound” problem it’s not necessarily the case that it’s because the President is ignoring it or refusing to deal with it. Very often the President is literally powerless to address certain issues, either because they don’t have the legal authority or it’s literally not a problem that can be solved by decree or policy.

A good example is a recent story I saw that outlined how Biden’s big problem with younger voters is that the primary concern of younger voters is that things are too expensive, but they don’t believe that Biden is doing anything to reduce how much things cost. This is very much “President is Boss Of The Country” syndrome. The President can’t use an executive order to make things affordable.

Of course but he sets the national debate. He made exactly zero speeches on the structure of democracy and his desire to shore it up. He held one commission on SCOTUS which was told it wasn’t allowed to make any recommendations.

If he cared about the chest wound he would have been saying “my only goal as a president is to make sure another Jan. 6 cannot happen” everything else is secondary (which is in fact true).

Instead the bumpers of democracy have gotten way less stable under his tenure.

Passing the IRA is great but it loses some of its lustre when it will be strangled in its crib by a dictator less than two years after its passing.

What if every time Biden is called upon he refers to Trump as, “My twice impeached opponent” or, "My opponent who has been credibly accused multiple times of sexual assault or, “My opponent who’s been fined $400 million for fraud”, etc., etc.

I have a hard time believing that low information normies are okay with any of that



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They literally do not care.

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I think you are making a good point overall, but I personally don’t think I would go this far. A President’s job is always multidimensional and even when something is as dire as the end of democracy, they simply cannot devote all energy and resources to that one problem. In fact, the bigger the institution is the more likely it is to be a mistake that devoting too much of the available time and resources to a single issue. And the US Federal government is the largest institution in human history.

I do think it’s fine to argue that he should have spent more time and energy and public bandwidth on dealing with Trump. Deciding to give Garland the job of willfully not prosecuting Trump was the tactically wrong way to deal with Trump (he was never just going to go away, which seems to be what the centrists all hoped).

A related unpleasant observation I have made, and that I find very grating, is that modern leadership theory is really, really big on cheerleading. Whether it’s a President or a CEO or whatever, it is generally accepted these days that a “good leader” must try to raise and maintain morale levels. It bugs me because so often it seems so insincere (and I’m sure it often is), but I can see this playing into why someone like Biden can’t go around doomcasting about THE END OF DEMOCRACY constantly. Rightly or wrongly, the way of the world is that leaders are expected to do some positivity amplification. This is probably more valid than it seems to my instinctively skeptical/cynical ear. It does seem like spending 4 years berating people that democracy will end if they don’t vote against Trump might be self defeating. People tend not to react well to constant dire warnings.



I have a better chance of sleeping with Natalie Portman than of Biden ever doing this.