Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years


DQ: legend

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Trump in White House: UP says stonks aren’t the economy, and the most-cited unemployment number doesn’t tell the full story

Biden in White House: UP says stonks are the economy, and the unemployment number shows nobody is jobless or underpaid who doesn’t want to be

Impeached by Democrats. Accused by Democrats. Fined by the Deep State. How do you not understand that people like someone who keeps getting in trouble

Trump brags about stonk numbers. UP: This is bullshit!

No one said this.


I think low info normies might finally turn on Bill Clinton for being a sex pest

AQ posting translator

“UP says that”

Translation: Someone has said that (or something vaguely similar) somewhere on UP in the last few years.


UP says that = UP consensus

Someone has said Trump will get away with it (or something vaguely similar) somewhere on UP in the last few years.

The UP consensus that “Biden makes stonks good” is largely just an ironic retort to Trump.


Unfortunately whichever party is in power will use the stock market being good as an indicator that they are doing a good job.

The bad news is the stock market is just a graph of rich peoples feelings and the bottom half of society owns essentially none of it.

This could also go into the economy is good or bad thread

It is a much better and more difficult trick to have a good stock market and employment when you have high interest rates. The Federal Reserve is actively trying to curtail economic growth to fix inflation.

Much of the economic news good or bad is out of Biden’s control, and I don’t think today’s economy is particularly great but it’s definitely on a better course than it was under Trump and Democrats should be able to tout successes especially when their political opponents are trying to sell to the American people that the economy is way worse than it is and any economic negatives are directly Biden’s fault.

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Agree with a lot of what you are saying but my point is selling the stock market as the reason why the economy is good is going to fall flat. We wouldn’t let trump get away with it.

I don’t disagree, but there’s also millions of suburban swing voters who know exactly how their 401k is doing regardless of whether that’s a drop in the bucket compared to the Billionaire class.

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Based on my own 20-plus years working in the retirement industry, most of the people who have very strong opinions about their 401ks actually aren’t aware of the basic facts about their 401k. They just think that stock market returns can deliver an early retirement for them that they have not done the hard work of actually saving for.

Exactly zero? Or approximately zero?

Today, we’re here to answer the most important of questions. Is democracy still America’s sacred cause? I mean it. (Applause.)

This is not rhetorical, academic, or hypothetical. Whether democracy is still America’s sacred cause is the most urgent question of our time, and it’s what the 2024 election is all about.

The choice is clear. Donald Trump’s campaign is about him, not America, not you. Donald Trump’s campaign is obsessed with the past, not the future. He’s willing to sacrifice our democracy, put himself in power.

Our campaign is different. For me and Kamala, our campaign is about America. It’s about you. It’s about every age and background that occupy this country. It’s about the future we’re going to continue to build together.

And our campaign is about preserving and strengthening our American democracy.

Darkly comic that you post this nonsense immediately after posting this:

Right so how is this a win? Those audiences are 100% segmented already. They will just be fed 15 second clips that support the existing tenor of their newsfeed.

Bro, it you! You are the one living in an echo chamber of 15-second clips that support the existing tenor of your newsfeed. You’re so captured by the echo chamber that you confidently post a very precise fact without even bothering to do the cursory google search that would demonstrate the truth.


lol. Well I guess American democracy is fixed.

Of course he has mentioned Jan 6. My point was obviously that he has made no effort to centre it, made no massive public speeches like on prime time about the topic.

He has done the absolute possible minimum he could.

You are arguing he has centred it?

It’s not a gotcha to pretend you counter an entire argument by pointing out a rhetorical exaggeration.

See he once mentioned Jan 6. Hazzah! Your whole argument goes down in flames!

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This is a top 3 issue with the Biden campaign. The problem is social media distorts everything so much that there are a lot of layers between what the campaign puts out and what people see.

Again. Literally all he would have to do is call all the networks and say we have a critical national address at prime time and I need 30 min.

He can’t do this because he has done nothing to shore up the system and has no plans to do anything between now and election day.