Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

It’s insane to suggest that defeating Trump didn’t prevent further harm to immigrants. Fascism depends on escalating repression against minorities in order to justify its existence and distract from sociopathic policies elsewhere. Yeah America still sucks and the border situation remains bad, but we were (and will be) drawing live to death camps under a second Trump term.


I think the point is kids were in cages before trump and the media/upper class white people who just want to go to brunch and feel good about themselves didn’t give two shits about the border then and don’t seem to care about the border now.

It’s not that Biden and trump are the same.


Is it a reading comprehension problem or do people intentionally make up what the other person is saying?

Except this conversation didn’t just fall out of a coconut tree.


And is the NRA filing an amicus brief on hunter’s behalf?

It seems impossible to win an election with a monster-free coalition.

We live in a democracy, you get to exercise ultimate sovereign authority every four years through the power of your vote.

Great, I’m withholding my vote because the current ruler hasnt earned it.

You scum, you monster you’re destroying the country and stripping away my rights.

Fine i guess ill vote 3rd party

You scum, you monster you’re destroying the country and stripping away my rights.

Um i guess ill vote for … Biden?

Ah perfect. Democracy in action! Enjoy your sovereignty see you in 4 years.


We also get to vote for America Idol

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We live in a democracy, you get to exercise ultimate sovereign authority every four years through the power of your vote.

Great, in order to firmly prove that point I’m going to make the objectively worse choice.

By doing so, you make it more likely that many many people here and abroad will suffer, including but not limited to the group you are mad at the current president for not protecting well enough.

You are a fascist.


That is an election where the person with the most votes is likely to win, unlike our political “democracy”

Kinda weird to see nielso back, welcome back ACists

“By the way, remember when he was trying to deal with Covid, he said just inject a little bleach in your veins?” Biden told a crowd of builders last month. “He missed. It all went to his hair.”


under the unfortunate system we live in, the place to do this is the primary… try to primary from the left as hard as u can. vote your displeasure to your hearts content. vote uncommitted and try to get others to do the same. but then you have to vote to save actual people from harm in the general if you want to continue to be a decent human being.


This is the sad truth. Once the finalists are chosen it’s no longer sane to make protest votes when one choice is demonstrably worse.

You have to work the system and even though the system is rigged, it’s the best route to go through the primary system.



This seems like a correct prediction.


Not voting is the ultimate own. What you tried to do something by voting? That won’t work, idiot. It’s an unbeatable debate tactic. Similar to both sides are bad. It’s checkmate when you bust that out.

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