Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

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inb4 he says, “so none”

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It is none though? The big win they describe from Sac State is a bunch of platitudes about not investing in anything that directly profits off genocide, saying they already don’t do that, and then following up with a refusal to say Israel is committing a genocide.

I thought I had missed something in the news (there are a lot of schools), but saying protestors have won divestment seems untrue

Yes, truly shocking behavior from such staunch allies


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Lol. I’m not gonna’ get caught in this trap again. GL all. Hope we don’t get fucked too badly and that maybe someday things even get better.

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The protests against the war would certainly have been bigger if Trump were POTUS. It’s possible, but I doubt that would have slowed arms deliveries or resulted in any pressure from the US Government. I’m pretty sure the Trump admin would have pushed more weapons, never withheld any, never not supported Israel in the UN, and perhaps used the US military more directly. But, there probably would have been more pressure from the not government. Establishment media like the NYT would have been more critical of Israel. Universities would probably have been less militant in their response and probably more would be looking at and doing divestment.

Several schools are looking at divestment. The protest groups have been smart enough to understand things like Universities needing to analyze their investments before doing anything and also the contractual obligations Universities have. Idiots who say “nothing has happened yet” aren’t that smart.


Seems pretty absurd to call me dumb when I simply asked who divested after someone literally said a school divested.

Anyways, as someone who can remember things beyond 2021 and had big Israel related protests at their school seemingly every couple of years, the “Universities needing to analyze their investments before doing anything and also the contractual obligations Universities have” tends to end up as “we’re not divesting from Israel”.

That response isn’t exactly new, and my school (Michigan), has been doing exactly that kind of response since I was in school (which, holy shit, is 20 years ago now what the fuck).

I also think this is likely to be true in many of these cases

Hunter Biden trial(s) should be dropping next month.

" Hunter Biden is also facing a federal tax indictment, and that trial is slated to begin in late June in California. He has pleaded not guilty to all nine charges in that case, which revolves around millions of dollars he made in Ukraine, in China and through other overseas deals."

His name is literally Hunter, how is it illegal for him to have a gun in America?


Right wing prosecutors, famously interested in stretching the bounds of gun control laws

Dont open the climate change thread

I don’t see anything necessarily wrong with this, but I’m not a one issue voter

Tell us again how you won’t vote Democrat and you won’t participate politically at all in any arena. You repeatedly post both of those things. You are one of the most obstinately self-ignorant people on the planet. Try to pass a Turing test.

Feel like strategy of collectively threatening not to vote Biden over Trump enough to influence the election due to Israeli action in Gaza is kinda analogous to Putin and his nukes. (From a strategy standpoint if that not clear)

Like everyone knows it is not in Putin interest to nuke NATO and get Russia vaporized. But given that outcome is so bad and people have that inkling of “maybe he is crazy enough to actually do it” they give Putin some extra deference he likely wouldn’t get without nuke threats. It would be dumb for Putin not to constantly to be waving around his nuke threat.

It would also be dumb for people wanting Biden to reign in Israel not to claim they would vote against him for it.

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Problem is that if you make that threat more than once or twice and don’t follow through, no one believes you again

It really doesn’t

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“Voicing displeasure” was telling people they’re a monster to not care about kids in cages. Now the same people tell everyone you’re simple-minded to care about kids in cages. That mentioning kids in cages is harmful to democracy. I’m excited to not be harmful to democracy again

Naturally, you can’t quote a single poster here claiming this, but hey, we can’t stop your imagination.

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