Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Not voting for Trump is the minimum you can do.

If people want to punish Biden, they should vote for Democrats down the ballot to maximize how much he underperforms compared to other Dems and push the narrative that the problem was the candidate and not the party.


i did not say you have to take their word at face value. but your retort makes little sense, as it was political pressure from that administration on the intel agencies to produce a reason to invade, not the other way around.

You realize that doesn’t help your case right

I don’t know you

You use the same language as antisemites

Maybe that’s a problem?



lol, you won’t get off your floor to do anything like this.

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You didn’t say that did you?

You posited, instead, that USA support for Israel is the result of politicians wanting money, and that’s just not based in reality. There’s plenty of conflicts and wars the us could push any given day. Israel has held American support for decades for a lot more reasons, and your failure to understand that informs your other bad opinions about the American electorate (like Biden being able to significantly change the public’s perception on Israel)

Fact is that your position is organically unpopular in the US and pushing it now would seriously risk Trump being president.

Oh my fucking god ikes I literally covered the popularity of the Israeli cause in national politics with this fucking part of the same sentence that you keep pointing to

You use all those words to just restate what I said. “Politicians continue to support Israel because it’s broadly popular but let’s be honest it also includes because their defense contractor donors like selling weapons” jfc how hard is it to just read the fucking words I write

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Maybe you want to try a whole rewrite?

Do you know what the word ALSO means

Lol apparently you do, or finally read the actual words. Great ninja edit

I thought Will was a captain

Grunching but I doubt you will get a response. They are not interested in having a conversation, they just want to call you a piece of shit.

Let’s learn the English language together

If I say “I mostly eat apples, but I also eat bananas”

Do I:
A) only eat apples
B) only eat bananas
C) eat apples most of the time, but sometimes eat bananas

Hi friends.

I went through and deleted 16 very unfriendly posts from this thread because I didn’t feel like they were conducive to productive conversation and were just going to veer us wildly into hurling insults at one another.

I know that things can get a little bit heated but let’s try to avoid personal insults when they do.


Honest answer would require knowing what state you’re in. For like 9/10 states, you’re cool not voting for or doing shit for Biden (but you should still go vote anyway to support good local leaders/initiatives/etc)

Policies that were popular with the median voter.

  • Duterte killing 35,000 poor kids in the slums of Philippines without trial as a “drug war”
  • British troops travelling 2 thirds around the world to kill Argentinians over a grass covered rock with 6 people on it
  • The US carpet bombing Afghanistan and Iraq
  • Firebombing cities in WW2
  • Myanmar ethnic cleansing 600,000 Rohingya with the aid of Facebook
  • India giving a sly nod to the coverup of pogroms against Muslims

We absolutely fucking can criticise an elected politician for supporting popular mass murder, and use whatever sources of peaceful power we think are appropriate. Like fuck, this is a pretty bleak and simplistic picture of democracy you are putting forward here.


Yes? Like fucking obviously?

Israel was using AI to tag people for murder and then waiting until they got home with their families.


Waking up to 130 posts from a bunch of folks who generally do little accept posting about politics on the internet criticising an artist using his platform effectively to slam a genocide…


We’ve covered this. Macklemore doesn’t need to be right on everything. He’s an artist. The song is a banger, and on balance it’s a good thing.

The above can be true together with the fact that everyone should vote for Biden.

Do you folks even art?


I was in Davao when he was the mayor there. Crazy

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