Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Ignorance and a lack of reading comprehension
A true and honest desire to stamp out anti-semitism in all its forms

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He’s not trolling. Like Larry David, I’m sure he hates himself for many reasons that have nothing to do with being Jewish.

I think it’s really weird how language used by antisemites gets used by others.

The USA doesn’t support Israel because of the arms industry. The position of support Israel is overwhelmingly popular politically for all sorts of reasons.

Yeah, UnstuckPolitics is just loaded with antisemites and race traitors.


Not going to quote the whole thing but I think this is a good post. I do not think that the things you list are enough when balanced against the politician’s electoral concerns and the financial interests of their donors, but I get that you do.

We both support the protests for the pressure they apply. I also support calls to withhold votes for the pressure that it can apply, because I am probably more cynical about the motivations of politicians than you are.

Edit to add: there’s also something to be said about personally deciding enough is enough. Not everyone withholding a vote is doing it because they’re trying to influence the politician. They may also just be deciding that they’re sick of the shit and refuse to support it in any way, and that vote may not come back even if the politician changes their position.


Sure showed ‘em with those third party votes in 2000, 2004 and 2016. Great job, worked out just great for progressive causes.


Why isn’t the Ron Desantis one close?

I have to legit think on the Desantis one.


It’s funny how it’s always the progressives’ fault, and never the fault of the politicians who alienated them in a misguided attempt to capture centrists


So is this an empty threat, or do you actively support burning it all to the ground if your pol doesn’t give you all that you want?

Yeah, this is pretty stupid.

Idk, as I’ve said before I’m probably going to vote for Biden anyways. Go ask Macklemore

If you mean would I support Macklemore threatening to burn it all to the ground if politicians didn’t give everything he wanted? I guess it depends on what he wanted. Probably yes :man_shrugging: if politicians can just take the progressive vote for granted, what’s the point?

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What do you think is the most popular position in the US right now of how to handle the situation in Israel and Gaza? Not the moral one, just the popular one.

Because I think that if popular opinion is closer to the progressive activists than to the politician, then sure, blame the politician. But if the politician is in a position that’s more popular than the progressive activists, then it’s incumbent on the activists to change popular opinion. The politician is literally doing the job description.

Their job description is being failures at leading people? Biden can’t convince a majority of people that mass murder is bad? Seems like another good reason not to vote for the piece of shit.

The other guy is doing pretty well for himself promising more mass murder, but I’m sure you’ve got the secret sauce.

I’m voting for whichever 3rd party candidate is polling the highest at the time of the election

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The other guy is an incompetent shit bag who doesn’t have the mental capacity to tie his own shoe laces let alone help Israel prosecute a war. So go ahead and fuck off with your trump is a bad bad man bullshit. Trump isn’t a danger to the world or the country. It will be 4 years of stupid and lazy nothingness. We’ve literally watched this show before. Biden is both wholly immoral and mildly competent, much more dangerous than the dotard he’s running against.

Also lol of course Biden can convince the majority of the country the war in Gaza is bad. He doesn’t want to.

I disagree. The politician has the ability to shape public opinion. If Joe Biden came out tomorrow and said “we have evidence that Israel has been using US-supplied weapons to kill innocent women and children”, I think public opinion would shift pretty quickly. He can do that any time and doesn’t have to wait for activists to sway public opinion first.

That said, the activists are both trying to sway public opinion and to influence the decisions of those in power (both political and financial, like the endowments of their universities). I don’t see how we can be OK with Joe Biden accepting the loss of their votes in order to cater to a more politically popular position while also being angry at the activists for threatening to pull their votes. And this is assuming Biden doesn’t do what I talked about in the first paragraph and is instead treating this as a vote trade-off exercise.

This is errr optimistic.

The best analogue to this is how Biden ended our involvement in Afghanistan. His approval rating plummeted, never recovered, and leftist give him near no credit for it.

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Sure thing, man. Try telling that to the other half of the population. Or the million who died of covid.

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