Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Politicians have decided that continuing to support Israel is best for their interests (interests mostly referring to “chance for reelection” but let’s be honest it also means $ for their friends)

As a result of this, there is a segment of the population who has decided not to vote for these politicians.

And you all are mad at the people who are deciding not to vote and not the fucking politicians, aka the people with actual power in this situation, who have chosen to make a calculated decision that puts their own electoral interests over the lives of the people in Gaza, and are now seeing the results of that decision.


Yes, Yes


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No antisemitism here no sir

“the left” is not even a thing, much less here. You are here and you were the one using it.

I’m talking about defense contractors, but thanks for continuing the Jewish $ trope


so you are just holding the election hostage until november on this one issue, and ramping up demands week after week? and then get mad when biden negotiates a middle ground that might score wins on other issues for the rest of the party?

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Me? I’m not doing anything, other than trying to point out that the anger focused on people advocating not voting is entirely misplaced

Sure bud. You used the exact same language

Yeah, Ikes saying that any suggestion that money influences politicians being antisemitic is pretty wild. I’d add ‘antisemitic’, but there’s no way it’s possible for Ikes to understand that he’s making the connection between Jews and money and is the one being antisemitic.


Oh yeah that’s exactly what I said micro.

Look I’m totally not taking part in antisemitic tropes, I just think the American government supports Israel because of a secret cabal of influencers who make money because of it

Here you go, maybe this will help


Oh, money affects all US policies except anything that affects Jews?

I’d accuse you of infantilizing and patronizing us, but the level you are on is that you want more bombs dropped in Gaza and you will weaponize accusations of antisemitism if it suits your purpose.

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not true. every single presidential election in this century that the dems lost was because of no-shows and “progressive” third party candidates, aided by smears ranging from laughable to disgusting. meanwhile we’d be decades ahead on issues like climate change, womens/lgbtq rights, and military interventions around the world as well.


Micro you gotta try better if you’re going to flat troll

In all honesty, yes. Also on the list of things to do that are more helpful than abstaining from voting or voting Trump:

  • Calling and/or emailing your congresscritters
  • Supporting primary challenges from the left of politicians who aren’t to your liking
  • Protesting in the street
  • Writing a letter to the editor in the local paper

Voting for the opposite party isn’t the only thing to do when a politician you mostly like does something you really don’t. It turns out that many of them do want to do things that are popular with their constituency even when there is no threat of a vote for the opposite party, and making your voice heard can and does have an impact.

I support the protests. I think they can work and are working.



This is so weird. USA#1 is the largest weapons exporter in the world. WTF do you think is secret about that?


Micro’s job is to tell everyone that they need to lighten-up because he thinks there is nothing worse than telling a Gentile that they may have said something offensive about Jews.

So maybe there’s nothing wrong with a little bit of light racism?

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I imagine a majority of people in this forum are making at least a little bit of money from the war on Gaza. Hell, I don’t have any idea what stocks I own myself.

Hesitant to jump in here, but where in the flying fuck did this CN comment come from…?