Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

What’s the point of criticism if you’re still going to vote for them? The only pressure the public has is the threat of pulling their votes

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It’s a democracy, not a monarchy. At least for now.

Even tho Trump is worse, there are enough people who will look at it as Biden is funding a genocide and want no part of it and simply won’t vote

I would be one of these people if I weren’t so immersed in all the problems and dangers of Trump

100% agree. But I would say he’s worse than an idiot because he’s influencing other people to also not vote for Biden.

I know there are people here who disagree with this, and to them I say: life is not fair. This sucks. Choosing between two choices you don’t like sucks. But “protesting” by making the worse choice or encouraging others to make the worse choice is the height of arrogant selfishness especially if you’re not a member of a group that is going to eat a whole pile of shit if Trump gets elected. I’d call that entitled. I have the privilege of knowing that I personally will not suffer a whole lot no matter who is elected. In fact, I am in a position where voting for Biden is in many ways voting against my own interests. The choice is still nowhere near close.


This is fine for you, but some people have a different moral compass. They’d rather take a hands off approach and not pull the trigger for funding genocide regardless of who is worse

I don’t agree with it either, but I get it. It’s a little like the train and two tracks dilemma. Many would pull the switch and save 100 vs 1. But not doing anything is also a reasonable choice that shouldn’t be criticized

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I can respect people who refuse to vote for Biden for deontological reasons. I can’t respect them if they vote for Trump.

It’s okay to refuse to be a consequentialist, results-oriented thinker. It’s not okay to willfully be an idiot.

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Yeah fuck that. It’s not reasonable, it’s childlike.

And look, I get that we’ve been boxed in. That the Biden administration / “powers that be” know that because our other choice is Trump they can get away with all kinds of shit because it’s not as bad as Trump would be. And that as long as this remains true the larger system stays pretty much the same. But stamping your feet and throwing up your hands is baby shit. The result of Trump being elected will be an enormous amount of human suffering and it’s time to be a grownup.


Any argument that hinges on pulling up dictionary definitions of words and acting like there is some important distinction is pretty sus and weak. “He’s not racist, he’s a bigot”. "We’re not xenophobic, we’re ethnocentric.


That principled stand not to vote for Biden is really going to mean a lot when being loaded onto the trains. Grow up.


You mean like people who want to over-explain the difference between a pedophile and an ephebophile?

Do you know what Gandhi thought Jews should do in response to the Holocaust?

Or get into a serious, lengthy conversation about whether a hot dog is a sandwich. Or think it’s a legit gotcha when Marsha Blackburn asks “What is a woman?”. It’s just not how language works.

I don’t necessarily disagree with this, and I will probably begrudgingly pull the lever for Biden in November, moreso because I’d rather vote for other stuff and might as well vote for Biden while I’m there.

That said, I don’t know what you expect. People believe that Joe Biden is complicit in a genocide–how can they believe that and still vote for him? Threatening to mobilize (or immobilize, really) masses of voters is literally the only leverage they have in situations like this, and if enough people stood up and said “I don’t care that Trump is worse, I’m not voting for Biden” we could very well see some movement on this issue.

Democrats can’t just keep shoving a barely-better option out on stage and expect every voter to apply the “Republicans are worse” thought process. At some point, your barely-better option will start to lose votes from people who throw their hands up. For some people, that point is now.


Not voting for someone who sends a million tons of sky murder weapons to crush tens of thousands of innocent children to death under collapsing buildings seems pretty straight-forward to me, but I’m childlike like that :person_shrugging:

If Biden and other center-right edems want people like me to vote for him, then maybe he shouldn’t do that? Something that certainly won’t happen until people stop voting for the bad guys :person_shrugging:


After 4 more years of trump there won’t be any Palestinians left to save

  1. Biden is the nominee. No point in whining about it or playing what if.

  2. A non Biden, non Trump vote is 1/2 a vote FOR Trump

  3. Elections are binary. If you live in a swing state Biden>>>>>>>no or alternate vote>>>>>>>Trump. That’s just math. Every two 3rd party voters is a vote for Trump.

Trying to justify anything else is just self delusion. Knock yourself out in a heavy blue or red state. Otherwise, sack up and vote Biden.


Trump is literally saying, “isreal should do the genocide faster” and “that beachfront property would make great hotels/golf resorts once you remove all the squatters”. His top advisor for middle east policy is a real estate developer of illegal isreali settlements

I think less-informed people imagine biden and trump are closer to each other on this issue than they actually are


You aren’t understanding the point. You’re truly voting for anyone vs Trump?

Nominee Henry Cuellar or Bob Menendez?
Nominee RFK Jr.?
Nominee Mitt Romney?
Nominee Ron DeSantis?

At some point you’re going to throw up your hands and say “fuck it, I don’t care how bad Trump is, I can’t believe this asshole is who the Dems chose and I refuse to vote for him”. Some people have already crossed that line.

Calling Biden center right just means the speaker’s political analysis can be safely dismissed.

It’s pretty clear at this point that the Israeli campaign against Gaza is not genocide. Real genocides by a power in control kill far more than 1% of the targeted population. The ideal way to bring the activist left to heel is a trolling campaign on social media to drive that point home. Unfortunately, I’m not signing up for the abuse that entails and very few people would.

The other problem is most people have subscribed to the PR rule if thumb “if you’re defending, you’re losing” and prefer to do their argumentation by attacking. There is no counter argument to the attacks on Biden being made in activist circles, so people just get pushed in ever more extreme directions.