Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Secret Biden presidency.

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Trump is successfully riding the success of the stock market of that exact argument to this day. Pretending that it’s not effective (even if it’s wrong) is silly.

You really can’t comprehend what you read. Thank you for continuing to reply to my post.

I’ve had a convos like this a few times

Me: Remember a while back when you said that you were happy with Trump because stonks were stonking and that was good for you, so you liked Trump and didn’t care about all the other stupid shit he may do.
Them: Yeah
Me: Well stonks are stonking even harder now, so I guess you must like Biden even more
Them: No, you see, there are other things to consider besides stonks

In their minds, there is no contradiction whatsoever.


Sure, but normies and everyone else are susceptible to propaganda like anyone else.

This is what you say when you don’t have a response. You said:

Would it be the only thing biden uses to say the economy is good? No. But it absolutely is a tool you can use to create a message that the economy is good.

You go on to say that using the stock market will fail because the bottom 50% of americans only own 1% of stocks, but that’s dumb too. How people feel about the economy generally is largely untethered to reality. They aren’t measuring inflation, wage growth, unemployment, etc. They are largely going by vibes created in the media environment they live in. Biden has to aggressively challenge that media environment, and headlines about stock market highs should absolutely be part of that project.

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Thank you Ike’s, thank you.


That’s not how it works. They won’t give him time to do a campaign speech.

Wake me up when there is a significant move towards universal healthcare and meaningful policies that address extreme wealth inequality.

He’s better than the alternative, I will concede that.

He’s arguably better than Obama

You mean like special taxes on billionaires? Yeah he’s proposed that too.

Biden is more liberal than Obama.

Biden was ahead on gay marriage. Biden actually ended the war in afghanistan. Biden rescheduled marijuana. The list goes on.


Trump’s administration made a deal with the Taliban to remove US troops, by the time Biden was sworn in it was already a basically done deal.

It was a good thing and long overdue but he really just followed through with the agreement in place instead of trying to ramp the war back up.

Jesus. It’s wouldn’t be a campaign speech 3 years ago when it should have happened. lol

Any moderately ok president would have convened the entire nation in a nationally televised town hall whose sole purpose was to say Jan 6 can never happen again and now that I am president my only goal until it’s done it to make sure it doesn’t.

Instead we got a commission with no power to do anything and people on this forum arguing he did all he could.

This is why America is over.

Again, both parties are bought and paid for by corporate interests and that is why we stand at the brink of late stage capitalism where the very few own fucking everything.

You can tout all these “wins on paper” that do very little to stem the tide of a rapidly declining middle class and ever increasing wealth divide.


Oh I agree with you. Just saying that Biden has shown more signs of progressivism than Obama on certain issues. Of course, he’s still a corporate Dem tho

Obama owned the conservatives and it was glorious, that alone ranks him higher in my book.

The thought of all those racist heads melting every day he was president made me a little happy on the inside, I’m not going to lie.

I’ve been trying to not go on a rant but I don’t think I can help myself.

In a few months this country has a choice between literal fascism and an octogenarian who is bought and paid for by the banking industry and the health insurance lobby.

8 years ago the country was having an almost daily conversation about universal health care, it was all over the media and hardly a whisper now.

This administration has done nothing to slow down the open money faucet to the military industrial complex, they’ve actually increased spending.

Billionaires still pay a smaller tax rate than school teachers and while Biden has spoken up about the issue nothing has been actually done.

Mass incarceration is still going strong, over a 500% increase over the last 40 years.

Homelessness and addiction are issues swept under the rug for the most part at the federal level, providing basic protections for the marginalized shouldn’t be too much to ask.

Big oil still receives subsidies totaling over $20B from the US annually as they contaminate the environment and pollute our air with CO2 that is on it’s way to reaching warming levels that could precipitate an extinction event.

I’m just at a point where I’m jaded and don’t see an end game that ends well for the US. The country is showing all the signs of an empire in decline and imo it’s just a matter of time before it becomes another in a long line of fallen geopolitical juggernauts.


On the plus side, lots of good recent posts in this thread.

On the downside:

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Maybe do a time slice with relevant statistics every 20 years for the last 2000 years and then complain about how bad things are in “late stage capitalism” under Joe Biden. All we need is a leader like Stalin, Mao, or Pol Pot–someone who really believes in change.

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Nice strawman out of left field, doesn’t even deserve a response.