Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

What the fuck can I even bet on this garbage site

there are biden markets that arent capped

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EC market may not be capped yet either. I’m actually shocked so many of the state markets did.

Lol truth

What’s the advantage of buying D YES at 65 v R NO at say 55?

it’s the same, so the advantage is more money if you win

yes there are markets 4 or 5 points off routinely because a lot of people ask the same question you just did. casual betting trumpers are just gonna bet yes on him rather than no on joe

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I read this as feeling like I made a purchase before everybody’s money was gone.

I’ve tried to find some of the sources they’re using to have so much enthusiasm…they seem like a total joke as youd expect. Currently they’re jerking it to some guy named Baris who just released his final PA numbers in an excel spreadsheet that says Trump +10. Also citing trumps own campaign manager of the week and these targetsmart early voting numbers.

PI is absolutely fucking incredible right now.

Feel like tailing 538 and hammering states that are way off their model is the way to go. Feel like this is a Mayweather opportunity, but I’m not going 5 figs in.

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I know this is wild, but the 5-cent difference really is purely due to the psychological effect that people are more prone to vote YES for their guy rather than NO for the other guy.

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This feels like one of those rare betting opportunities that should be slammed but I’m too scarred from 2016 so I only have a tiny % of my net worth down.

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I’m happy with my position of only getting destroyed if Trump wins while losing PA, with basically guaranteed profit and freerolling the double dip and Biden o7.5 swing states at +1050.

I would like to find some value tomorrow with people overreacting to non-representative samples of early returns.

Final bets down. Let us gogogo


Hah your board looks like mine all of these fucking red down arrows out of nowhere for no fucking reason at all other than I was too dumb to put money on this shit 2 weeks in advance instead of today. (of course with their weirdo bet caps I might have missed anyways).

there’s a few states that will dump either mail first or not at all-- the pop vote margin late am should be good too.

“How closely will the election results match the polls?” You can thank me later.

PS damn, the website is already freezing up on me.

god in heaven WOMAN VP is at 0.59-yes


I admit I’m a bit shooked though, I have more $ down than I’m comfortable losing but it’s so hard to hedge at these prices.

also PI’s servers just went down for a bit. Gonna be great tomorrow.

Trump by 8% or more 16/84 lolololololooolol