Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

caps out on each side, os if you buy one and both cap out you’re stuck but it does give you the opp to buy later after it tanks which was my plan

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no but if I ain’t maxed level after this I’m gonna be pissed

Free money alert: Trump margin of victory in TX. No on Trump by 8% or more is avail at 80c.

Free money alert: NC governor. Cooper SMASHING in the polls, it’s avail at 82-84c.

I’m not gonna be triggered because trump won, I’m gonna be triggered because I lost betting against people that stupid.

in fact shares exchanged hands at 88c in this market god I had put this market out of my mind not just leave an order and maybe a goddamn idiot will fill it

edit–I am now the proud owner of over a dollar worth of EV in steve king NO shares.


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Best place to get $ down on Biden?


Goddammit I hate the feeling of missing out on free money

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Not much changed on Betfair. AZ was like 1.75 earlier and is now a flip and NC went from 1.80 to roughly 1.90 for Biden. Must be Qanon patriots putting their money where their mouth is on PI.

Everytime I think my Biden shares can’t drop any more I press F5 and they drill further. Jealous of anyone who isn’t maxed right now. Feeling like I made a purchase like the day before Black Friday.


I wonder how much this forum has invested on Biden combined. It could be a very bleak thread.


How do you have enough money on there to take that bet? Like there are dollars for 90-93c all over the board.

Seems its in the 100-150k range, could be off tho.

I have way way more than I’ve ever had on an election and I’m probably not in the top 10 here. Although $1,700 of it is on Roy Cooper.

We should start a tally. I signed up for $15 and they matched me. So I have $29.70 to win $46.17.


I just put a dime on PI and all the markers are capped. What a shit market.

I wish I could trade my car for the popular vote predictit line.

some of the DC shares I sold for 99 yesterday went into it. It’s been so dumb I’ve kept some left and picked like a vulture.

Florida seems capped now. That’s why my brilliant plan of FL red shares didn’t move at all today.

Yes, I don’t have a lot left now. My profit/loss got massacred today though sigh.

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NJ Trump no available for 0.92

u snooze u lose, brah