Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

alright which one of you above literally sniped me in that market.

edit–was josh, I missed beating you by a minute or less doh only got 200 in that price. I think trump does beat the polls but 8 might be pop vote should re look.

You’re nuts IMO (don’t at me tomorrow) both of these seem ridiculous. Especially WI which Trump has given up on.

he’s rallying in WI right now

huh see this is why no one should listen to me.

I haven’t seen any legitimate news source say that any of WI, MI were in play for Trump. He’s way behind in the polls there and I don’t see him outperforming 2016, in which he narrowly defeated Clinton. Just Biden not being a woman probably (like it or not) nets him at least a percentage point or two. Combine that with COVID stuff and it spells disaster for Trump

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I’m in for 850 on WI and NC (that price is nuts).

MI and PA should move hard toward Trump when the first results drop. Odds I can get in then?

I think PA is already capped on # bets for the GOP side so you can only bet Biden YES at this point. I think some other states have hit that trigger as well.

Edit - Michigan also capped on # bets for GOP side (can’t bet Trump NO)

I cant speak to whether the website will be usable tomorrow evening but there’s a chance those markets may be completely locked by then I suppose, if the MAGA crowd figures out they can bet ‘Biden no’

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There’s a real chance PI is slow or down for parts of tomorrow, there’s definitely some value in getting money down tonight.

nooooo I sold that out two days ago anticipating that to end up red on election day and I didn’t keep one share, whooops.

I don’t understand PI “capping” markets.

I also don’t understand why a much better (legal) option doesn’t exist. Their rake is absurd.

Separately, I’m moderately surprised offshore lines aren’t sharper, but whatever.

What odds would you bet on Trump at?
I think I’d settle at 5.5 or so.

It’s not a real chance, it’s an absolute certainty. Their site is basically unusable on much less important events.

If I hold one Biden Yes in Ohio can I buy Biden No if it caps? Or do I have to pick one side to trade on?

Good luck everybody.

May not be around tomorrow to see what’s going on but hoping for a Biden win and to win my pop vote wager on 3 accounts.


i dont think it will let you buy ‘biden no’ if you own ‘biden yes’

Do the Predicit levels actually give you any perks? Or is it just so I can brag that I’m a big dickswining politics bettor who is 73% of the way to Level 6?


Better to brag about your Duolingo league imo.


I don’t do this much, but even I couldn’t resist Trump no in Wisconsin at 66 cents. That’s just beyond out of touch with reality.

The fact that PredictIt standardly coughs up blood during high peak times including the 2016 elections should really, really give you pause before putting more than a couple thousand on there IMO…

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I’ve got a share in every market I think I may want to make moves on so I don’t get locked out.