Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

Yes they are uber cool with it, there’s very little if any risk. Using credit card is ideal because of the 2% cashback

For instance betting on Warren to be >20% on RCP by 9/30 is a pretty fast way to turn 4%.’s-RCP-average-support-be-at-end-of-day-Sept-30

lol I do the same thing, PI shows my NO bets based on Yes pricing and I’m like … huh?

I haven’t had any issues depositing or withdrawing via cc.

Good to know. I have over time built a position through multiple deposits, but maybe I’ll say f’it and just max a few of these.

It’s probably a terrible idea but I’m kind of using PI to hedge my anxiety or something. I get pissed at the news and I go buy more shares. Right now trying to finish maxing the major bets, Trump to lose 2020, Dems to win, Rs to lose, etc.

I bet on people I hate sometimes as a life hedge.


This seems smart.

Bringing emotion into gambling or investing is never a good idea!

But yea i might go hard on trump 2020

The amount of money on predictit is pretty meaningless… and honestly the amount of salt that got rubbed in my wounds after Trump won by losing money on bets made the cognitive dissonance at least 25-50% worse. I would have happily paid twice as much money as I lost to not feel that way tbh.

I don’t think it’s wise to bet on Trump winning 2020. The dude’s barely going to make it to the election much less win the thing. He’s literally broken the GOP.

I’d take him at like .05-.10 for emotional support reasons I guess… but in his specific case it probably wouldn’t help all that much if he won… and having a winning 2020 in political betting will make me feel slightly better about 2016.

Interestingly that was the second time eastern europeans fucked me over on gambling. I was pretty deeply invested in stock ticker MOS when the Belorussians and the Russians started fighting about fertilizer in late 2013. That mess got resolved by the Belorussian KGB no shit grabbed the CEO of the offending Russian firm when he came to negotiate and held him hostage until terms could be reached. That was one of the major events that made me decide to look for something where my edge was a bit more defined than trading/investing actually.

Now I follow the news out east pretty religiously because it’s 1) insane and 2) very interesting as a result. They do business out there very differently than we do it here.

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Trumps winning 2020 lok

Aren’t you young? Why are you so heavily in bonds?

nunya bidness

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I’m 35 and 60/40 because I want to be able to sleep when the music finally stops.

There’s nothing wrong with being 40% bonds all your life. It’ll probably take a bit longer to retire but the path will be a lot smoother. The most important thing is picking an asset allocation and sticking with it through thick and thin.

Last McCabe trade at 27 … getting back to where I expect. I want to sell out mid- to low-20s, seems to be the base’s base until midnight.

Hillary winning the dem nom now trading at 7c on PredictIt - what did I miss?

Q ldo

fyi, got rid of my small position on China being labeled a currency manipulator. The formal mechanism for that is a report next month to Congress, and I don’t have real insight on what could happen there. It seems perfectly possible they don’t label China, if things are going well; also possible it’s already done …

Some friend of a fb friend wants to bet 10k trump will not be impeached. I snap called and now hes kind of backing down and turning it into a “removal from office” bet. STILL might do it if I can get odds.

My portfolio is up about 10% mostly thanks to getting in some warren bets at low prices.

This despite hemorrhaging money on an approval rating bet that still isnt drawing dead. Also, @boredsocial I did research and the hillary bet is not really as long term as you think - it’s effectively over next month, as the deadline to file as candidates in various caucuses loom. If she misses those the bet’s basically over.

Whether that resolves the bet on predictit is another Q.