Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

That’s probably right that other sports work differently.

You really should look at racing, you know. The prices are very often wildly wrong because of the sheer complexity of the sport, the superabundance of historic data means you don’t need to know anything about the sport if you’ve got decent analytical skills and 10000 UK/Eire races/year means (unlike the bookies) you can choose your spots and still make enough bets/year to smooth out variance. Yields of 10-20% across hundreds of bets are quite achievable.

The insider knowledge thing is mainly a myth here used to promote scammer tipping services. A small number of trainers (eg Curley) prepare horses for a future race by having it underperform previously, and have “connections” back it at long prices on the exchanges in the designated race, the coup, and I stay away from the place markets because that’s where most of the shenanigans happen now that the authorities investigate the win markets, but otherwise the win markets are pretty fair I think.


Books take positions all the time. Every nfl Sunday there are a few games with 80%+ of the money on a public side with no line movement.

Even the bigger games with a lot of money on? They’re the football/soccer games where I see a lot of late price movements on Pinnacle.

lmao the amount of trumper money rolling into PI the last few weeks is insane. How are these state markets so low with no changes other than trafalgar polls? WI more or less conceded by the GOP and its at $.72?

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I see this as a once in a lifetime opportunity to take advantage of a dumb national cult at this point.


Are you or anyone else who see Biden as a lock to win at all concerned that there is a small but reasonable chance that a large quantity of votes, specifically in democratic areas, may be destroyed, along with other avenues of voter fraud that could shift the likely hood of a Trump victory?

I capitulated out of my PA-Biden bet for this reason as a small loss. I decided I didn’t want to deal with the stress of sweating that situation. I’m not as worried about this as much in the other states I bet. I also think Biden is drawing very live to not needing PA to win the election so I wanted to balance out my bets better and hedge somewhat.


Must not put more $ on PI… must not put more % on PI…


Yes of course. I’ve been considering placing a large bet for several weeks and this was probably my #1 deterrent. Ultimately my calculations have come to this bet being highly profitable even when factoring in a high chance of shenanigans. Pledge 10% of profit to ACLU if it wins.

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If any of these fail, I will end up with my biggest loss ever, surpassing 16 and I think even full tilt
CA, VA, CO, NY not just by correlation, but I’d have to start preparing to get a real job I will hate like most people.

Also could end up overleveraged on GA/TX/MI/WI too but I could lose all four and end up pleased as long as the former holds (covid has thrown quite the variance in WI).

Friend just bet for another guy 15k on Trump.

Still think 2.5 are just awful odds.



If you’ve ever seen 538 on florida or NC odds historically there is no other rational pick in the betting markets. Andrew Gillum 78%, election day 16 for both FL/NC were 55 but was in the 70’s the week prior.

also PI is going under maintenance at about the same time the 2016 election was called

The sheer blind confidence of the Trump bettors on predictit is truly a thing to behold


ive bet basically the max i want to at this point and its crazy seeing the prices go down even lower.

  • Double-Max WI
  • Double-Max MI
  • Max MN
  • Max Trump to not win a state he lost
  • Max Trump to lose a state he won
  • Quad-Max Biden (the VP market and TX, SC, MA dem primary winner markets)

and then i got some smaller bets incrementally based on blue wave outcomes

  • Dem Clean Sweep
  • AZ
  • TX
  • MT

if i learned one thing its that its best to put in a small bet really early on to not get locked out of the markets. Some of the state markets are capped at this point for Rep NO, and of course the trump pop vote and presidential markets


I forgot I had to wait a week to fully transfer newly purchased BTC but maybe this will save me money

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I think I’m not gonna fire at this one but in case, can somebody tackle this as my brain is fuzzy from… stress, I think. I’m to buy all one side and balance the payouts, right?

I’ve got a decent amount down on TX on PredictIt. I’m sort of holding off on others, because I suspect big moves as polling comes in but then again I probably won’t be able to get a bet down. But on the other hand if nobody can get on, how can the markets move?