Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

yeah that’s the disaster scenario

Amen, brother.

Sir, we must now fight.

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AZ looks blue though.

It’s very blue but I have like zero hope right now.

Can’t help myself, after I win some lolbidendropoutbeforenovember $ in 2 days I’m sticking it on blue texas.

Market settled on will HRC run in 2020 lolllll. Gotta be my favorite one of all time. So much entertainment.

no, no she did not run


Bovada has a BUNCH of new bets.

Meh, they are cheeseburger stakes max.

Lol yea, that market kind of pissed me off that I had to hold so long. I thought it was going to 0.98 6+ months ago. But the crazies really have a soft spot for Clinton markets.

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I got Michelle 93 NO shares like a month ago. Those hillary shares sucked, I couldn’t bring myself to sell them ever.

I get some weird things on there from time to time, I’m the one who gobbled up the 93 DC shares that seriously happened.

Yes, it’s really sad that’s an indictment of how desperate I am instead of a brag.

bet the farm on blue. Lets go fam



Those are great odds.

yeah thats why I had to smash in the maxbet

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You could probably create arbitrage using state markets if you are so inclined.

yeah was just thinking of doing that, but feeling gambooly. If I’m not feeling like playing poker I might take a few hours today to figure out how to arb out an ez instaprofit.

thx for the tip tho

not stonks. I thought i was buying dollars for 70cents, damnit!

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Shit, then what’s a good longish shot where i can put around $300.

Man, I’ve been telling you people about the Hunter indictment market.

I was locked up in the Hillary no and Trump no markets so haven’t been paying attention. Hunter still good?

FFS, I have been crowing about the indictments markets on PI for like years. They are not ever actually locking up Hillary. They are not locking up McCabe or Comey or Brennan all the other supervillain characters in the Hannity Extended Universe. Every single indictment market has come up negative but the Qanon cultists still plow money into these markets every single time. There were still fucking buy bids on the “Will Hilary Run” market 24 hours before it closed. I have been buying dollars for .85-.90 cents this whole time because of Qanon.

They are not indicting Hunter within the next 72 hours and whichever way the election turns, no one will gaf about locking up Hunter after Nov 3rd. I mean, you’re a lawyer, what federal crime would anyone even charge him with?