Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

I got wrecked in 2016 which is preventing me mentally from wanting to go all in this time.

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Yeah losing a lot of money and Trump winning might be too much to handle

I figure if Trump wins I have nothing to care about anymore anyways so might as well go all in so that I’ll be better off if Trump loses.

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Aw sheet are you in the five figure club too?

Actually I dont think I ever disclosed how much I lost:

Seventeen thousand american dollars. Fuck.

Yeah it made me skittish for years. I didnt buy much cryptocurrency and only bet 3 figures on the Mayweather fight just to name two things.


That’s my thinking then and now.

I will be MAGAREKT if Trump loses PA and still somehow wins, up a nice little bit if PA goes to the winner and :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: If Biden wins the general while losing PA.

Hahahah luckily not, only ~$2500 on predictit, managed to get out before a total loss and scalped a little when the site was crashing under the load.

Bovada raised the limits on Dem popular vote again, -550. I’m just going to keep unloading, if that’s not a winner my lost money will be the least of my problems.


This is a new one with ~13% juice. You guys have any thoughts?

This is the same bet with different odds or am I misreading something? If I’m not reading it wrong, this has -5.2% juice if you take the best lines from both bets.

I’m on Trump 1 state +5000 and 2 states +1500.

YES on Woman VP and PA going blue seems like the best two options, atm, imo, for predictit. I’d imagine that those change rather quickly here but who the fuck knows.

Fwiw you can get PA no for 58c right now, woman VP yes is 63c. Obviously, woman VP should be slightly higher, since Biden can win without PA.

damn 99-1 on trump to win/lose all 10 was pretty juicy, they forgot they’re all slightly correlated but it got bet down.

This is like the only election possible where something in the middle is plausible that some states just have wonky results.

Yeah, I had a bet open at 9900 and it dropped to 9000 but I still bet it.

Basically have Biden o7.5 +1000.

Sorry if this is a dumb question. Do I sell my shares on PI before the election? I have all my money on Biden winning. Am I supposed to sell it before Tuesday or do I just wait til after the election? It’s $30 so I’m assuming wait it out.

You can also bet on

MA Dem primary winner elected president?
SC Dem primary winner elected president?
TX Dem primary winner elected president?

which are all Biden bets.

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If you bet for example Biden to win the presidency at 60%, you can sell at any time for a profit when it trades above 60 or a loss when it trades below 60. If you wait till after the election, your trade will obviously be paid at 100% for or against depending who won. It will be your specified “max payout” or zero.

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Oh ok thanks. Yea max payout is $46. Not bad considering I joined for $15 and they matched it. :grin:

I might need to back the truck up and get more money on PI, but if I do I’m not sure whether to strike now or wait until Election Night and see if people overreact to skewed results.

But you gained a memory, and that my friend is priceless

I’m about to create another one. Double the pricelessness.